New install, system halts a grub

Installed 11.0, after the install when it rebooted, my computer when crazy (so-to-speak). All I get is a blank screen that says GRUB and my computer beeps like crazy. I tried using the install disk to rescue the system and even reinstalling to no avail. Any ideas or am I better off just re downloading and burn it on to a new disk. Thanks!!

Blank screen and GRUB-is that it?? No error like: Error 15??

What other OS are installed and where on the HD and how many HD’s?

Do you know where you installed Grub to?

Help here maybe:

Yup, thats it, just a blank screen and the word GRUB and a lot of beeping sounds. No Error info. I just have one hard drive. Was doing a complete install and erased all previous partition and used the entire drive.

I have copied and paste the info you need from the link i gave you: The MBR is the key

Step 1 for Suse/openSUSE 10.x - Assisted Boot into openSUSE: Insert Suse’s installation CD/DVD and reboot the computer. Commence the installation process but only carry it forward a few steps. Click “Next” thought the Language screen. In the Media Check screen, do not click “Start Check” but simply click “Next” to skip to the the next screen. Agree to the Licence and “Next” to the Installation Mode screen. Here you select “Other Options”. That will allow you to select to “Boot Installed System”. Select that and click “next” to proceed. GoTo step 2

Step 2 - Reinitialise and Reinstall Grub: Once Suse has fully booted and settled down, go to Yast → System → Boot Loader. The Grub configuration screen comes up with the Tab “Section Management” activated. In the lower right is a drop-down selector labelled “Other”. Select from “Other” the option “Propose New Configuration” and then wait for Grub to analyse your partitions and display a new configuration. This may take a while. Important: When that finishes, activate the tab labelled “Boot Loader Installation” and select to “Boot from the Master Boot Record”. [Yast will often default to booting from the root or boot partition rather than from the MBR but that’s for experts only – always choose the MBR.] Then click Finish to save the changes and install the reconfigured Grub into the hard drive’s MBR. If you get a message that "The bootloader boot sector will be written to a floppy disk … don’t bother with the floppy – just click OK to proceed and install to the MBR. Reboot and you should be able to boot to openSUSE using the Grub menu screen. Frequently you can also boot to Windows after completing Step 2, so try that too and maybe you won’t need Step 3