I am trying to install a brand new installation of Opensuse 11.3 on a PC. I am using the Gnome desktop. When installing I get SO many errors saying “YAST2: package “xxx” could not be downloaded” or "installation of package “xxx.rpm failed.” Ignore, Abort Retry.
I ran a checksum on the iso I downloaded from this site and it checks out. What is going on? I cant find anything here in the forums. Please help.
I’m guessing but you may have some bad memory. I did experience something similar awhile ago, and in any case you could do a memory test from your installation medium.
Thanks for the quick reply. Good point here! I did install a RAM module I had laying around and have no idea on its condition. I removed that and am running the install again. Will post back later. I am getting a “date and time not set” error - related to the onboard battery. Could that be an issue?
I’m sorry, that I don’t know anything about. But if you go in to the BIOS and set the time there, perhaps it settles with it. Or it could perhaps be that your battery have worn out?
I replaced the battery and that fixed that issue. I also took out the added memory module, but I am still getting these errors. I tried to make a USB HDD bootable using the instructions on this page under “Bootable USB from DVD or Net-install ISOs (All versions)” (SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE) but SUSE image writer isnt working. Any idea?
Ok, I ditched that machine and grabbed another one. After some fiddling around with the dvd drives, I verified the checksum again on the iso, created another opensuse dvd and it finally installed without issues. I’m glad its fixed AND that its finally documented here in the forums.
Ok I got it up and running. the machine is being used for Clonezilla SE. But now when I try to install patches or install software, I get the same errors as above and nothing ends up installing. I’ve noticed that firefox wont work as well. Any ideas?