New 12.2-64 install gets ACPI error messages in dmesg

On 02/26/2013 09:26 AM, heboland wrote:
> Will
> they be as portable as the xorg.conf used to be?

i would guess so…

in case the next version install muffs things up, i’ve safed away a
complete copy of full working /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directory…(in
fact a full copy of /etc, /var and (of course) /home/.* is not at all
a bad idea)


On 2013-02-26 09:26, heboland wrote:
> Replying to myself and to the list, I have the monitor resolution now I
> was after!

You might report your issue with sax3 segfaulting. I don’t know if they
will try to repair it or wait for another summer project.

> It had to be sax3 that made it happen, but in the end an xorg.conf was
> never generated. Instead three files were created today in
> /etc/X11/xorg.d/. They are: 99-saxdevice.conf 99-saxmonitors.conf
> 99-saxscreen.conf.

Yes, this makes sense, the xorg.conf file is not currently created. It
is used if it exists, for compatibility.

> So one more thing here! What are the chances I should save copies of
> those three sax files for transplantation into a fresh install? Will
> they be as portable as the xorg.conf used to be?

Yes, they have to be. Any file in that directory is read. The idea is
using a separate file per section, for easier maintenance (you install a
mouse, you drop a corresponding file there). So they have used names
with sax in it. The 99 must mean they are read last, so you can change
the priority by changing the number. Or even the complete filename.

> Again, thanks for all the time spent on my behalf! Heboland.

It is not nice when things get so complicated.

Graphical mode is supposed to work automatically, everything
autodetected, but when this fails it is more difficult than it was
before because we don’t have the tools we had before - like sax2.

Even the skills to do it manually are getting lost. I almost don’t
remember how to do it… I would have serious difficulties myself.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Hi Robin,

Yes it would be nice to get sax3 working. The bug site is a google site that requires membership to post. In general I don’t join for just one post. I’ve never posted a bug to openSuse Bugzilla either, but is it necessary to subscribe to Bugzilla or whatever to report a bug here also?

I keep a /usr1 partition for stashing important data. That directory I can leave in place and untouched by new installs. It does lag in file system advances since it doesn’t get formatted with a new install.

My xorg.d directory will be copied there directly.

It does seem wise to separate the xorg.conf functions into separate files. That also poses a challenge of merging those files back into an xorg.conf, altho deprecated. Since xorg.conf is still used ahead of xorg.d stuff, it could be tested with minimal risk Maybe some rainy weekend I’ll give that a try!

Thanks for sharing your ideas! Heboland

What do you mean “subscribe”? You need to have account, but it is the same as you use on these forums.

On 2013-02-27 08:56, heboland wrote:
> Hi Robin,
> Yes it would be nice to get sax3 working. The bug site is a google site
> that requires membership to post. In general I don’t join for just one
> post.

I don’t know about that one. Maybe the summer project dev created it. Dunno.

> I’ve never posted a bug to openSuse Bugzilla either, but is it
> necessary to subscribe to Bugzilla or whatever to report a bug here
> also?

You are already subscribed there, it is the same account as used for the
forums. That’s the official place for all bugs. There is a help page,
where is it… here:

openSUSE:Submitting bug

> I keep a /usr1 partition for stashing important data. That directory I
> can leave in place and untouched by new installs. It does lag in file
> system advances since it doesn’t get formatted with a new install.

Curious choice of name, too similar to “/usr” :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Hello arvidjaar, Robin!

arvidjaar, I think there are two bug lists for sax3! This is the url from the sax3 manpage: This one requires registration. In one of my posts on this thread, I pasted an excerpt from this google site that I could get without registering. It shows a bug that wasn’t in the list on the link Robin gave me.

Robin, your link knew I was already logged in, so I was accepted as authenticated. This bug entry tool seemed friendly to me. None of the bugs on this url mentioned the segfault, so I reported it.

One thing more. I’m sure you guys know the feeling of working around a black screen. l would expect that I will get a chance to test the fix if the problem can be reproduced, or be asked to attempt to create more failures if it’s not reproducible.

Such actions is like calling in artillery down upon one’s own position! I may get a chance to replace the 99-sax files from level 3 or from failsafe. At least I know how to get to level 3 now!

Any feedback on my first bug report? Heboland.

Replying back to myself and the list, my bug report was noticed!

“Please forget all these tools for statically configuring the X resolution. Better use xrandr or the desktop’s favorite tool for configuring the X resolution instead. As far as I know SaX3 is an abandonned project. And I never understood for which purposes it has ever been written. Also it has never been on the openSUSE distribution.”

My bug reporting career ended abruptly! This response may explain why there seems to be two bug urls.

Otoh there’s hope on the horizon. The man pages for xrandr do look encouraging. Again due to the sudden death nature of display experimentation, I’ll probably wait to expseriment farther until forced to do so! Heboland.

On 2013-02-28 01:26, heboland wrote:
> Replying back to myself and the list, my bug report was noticed!
> “Please forget all these tools for statically configuring the X
> resolution. Better use xrandr or the desktop’s favorite tool for
> configuring the X resolution instead. As far as I know SaX3 is an
> abandonned project. And I never understood for which purposes it has
> ever been written. Also it has never been on the openSUSE distribution.”

Would you care to share the link to that bugzilla? I’m curious as to
whom wrote that, because sax3 is indeed part of the official distribution.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

Hi Robin,

Guess you folks don’t have much more visibility to the bug posting records than I have.

I don’t want to expose the poster to the list. I’ll give it to you if we can work this out privately between us. You know better how that would work. I’m willing to post my personal address here if it comes to that.

What I would send you is a forward of the complete bug response email, which isn’t much larger than what I posted.

Do you have a recommendation regarding personal contact or private messages? Heboland.

On 2013-02-28 04:06, heboland wrote:
> Hi Robin,
> Guess you folks don’t have much more visibility to the bug posting
> records than I have.
> I don’t want to expose the poster to the list. I’ll give it to you if
> we can work this out privately between us. You know better how that
> would work. I’m willing to post my personal address here if it comes to
> that.

Don’t bother, I already have the bug opened in another window. It is
simple to find. Bug reports are public, not secrets :slight_smile:

I asked for the number because that is simpler and faster than
searching, but I found it in under a minute :slight_smile:

Already added my comment to it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

On 02/28/2013 04:59 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> I found it in under a minute:-)

please post the bug number or full URL.


On 2013-02-28 09:16, dd wrote:
> On 02/28/2013 04:59 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>> I found it in under a minute:-)
> please post the bug number or full URL.
> tia

I’m respecting the OP wish of not publising it, but truly, it is a
minute to find it :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

On 02/28/2013 09:16 AM, dd wrote:
> please post the bug number or full URL.

i see no reason to not note the number and URL here also:


Hello again moderators, list!

The bug number is: 806558

By now the bug assignee should be aware of this thread and so won’t be blindsided!

The bug assignee’s point about not configuring screen resolution statically leads me to think randr could be used to change an existing display’s resolution.

Maybe we shouldn’t go there on this thread! Heboland.

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:46:02 +0000, heboland wrote:

> The bug assignee’s point about not configuring screen resolution
> statically leads me to think randr could be used to change an existing
> display’s resolution.

It can - both randr and xrandr have that as one of their primary
functions. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

Thank you Jim,

I’ll keep that in mind. Like I’ve written elsewhere in this long thread, I’m not inclined to experiment with my display until I’m forced to. Heboland.