On 2013-02-26 09:26, heboland wrote:
> Replying to myself and to the list, I have the monitor resolution now I
> was after!
You might report your issue with sax3 segfaulting. I don’t know if they
will try to repair it or wait for another summer project.
> It had to be sax3 that made it happen, but in the end an xorg.conf was
> never generated. Instead three files were created today in
> /etc/X11/xorg.d/. They are: 99-saxdevice.conf 99-saxmonitors.conf
> 99-saxscreen.conf.
Yes, this makes sense, the xorg.conf file is not currently created. It
is used if it exists, for compatibility.
> So one more thing here! What are the chances I should save copies of
> those three sax files for transplantation into a fresh install? Will
> they be as portable as the xorg.conf used to be?
Yes, they have to be. Any file in that directory is read. The idea is
using a separate file per section, for easier maintenance (you install a
mouse, you drop a corresponding file there). So they have used names
with sax in it. The 99 must mean they are read last, so you can change
the priority by changing the number. Or even the complete filename.
> Again, thanks for all the time spent on my behalf! Heboland.
It is not nice when things get so complicated.
Graphical mode is supposed to work automatically, everything
autodetected, but when this fails it is more difficult than it was
before because we don’t have the tools we had before - like sax2.
Even the skills to do it manually are getting lost. I almost don’t
remember how to do it… I would have serious difficulties myself.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)