OK, grub was installed to the MBR of sdc, not sda. Also, there is not a stanza in grub’s menu.lst control file for booting Windows.
Very first, go into your bios setup and make sure that the Windows drive is actually the first drive in the boot sequence.
Let’s try to use the YaST Boot Loader gui to fix this. But first we have to correct grub’s device.map. Press Alt-F2 to bring up a Run Dialog box. Type this:
kdesu kwrite /boot/grub/device.map
or if you are using Gnome, then
gnomesu gedit /boot/grub/device.map
Change it to have this one line only, and exactly:
(hd0) /dev/sda
Now run YaST Boot Loader (be sure no other YaST modules are running). Click on the Boot Loader Installation tab, and on that screen, check the Boot from Master Boot Record box, and clear any other boxes checked. Then in the lower-right corner click on Other, and on the context menu, click on Propose New Configuration. It will take a minute and the screen will refresh, again click on Other and click on Edit Configuration Files. The screen will change and you will see a pull-down at top, with device.map showing, and below will be the file contents that you edited. If it has additional lines now, that’s OK - as long as “(hd0) /dev/sda” is still there (and there are no other lines using sda or hd0).
Now in the pull-down select menu.lst. The line with gfxmenu above and with root in the boot stanzas, all should show (hd0,6). There should also be a new stanza for booting windows; it should look very close to this:
title Windows
rootnoverify (hd0,6)
chainloader (hd0,0)+1
Finally, at the pull-down select grub.conf. It should have:
setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 (hd0) (hd0,6)
Click Finish and grub will be installed to the MBR. When you reboot, the grub menu should display, with a selection for booting into Windows.