Been using dial-up for years and decided to go for ADSL, which I am trying to install on a second PC. Presently running openSUSE 11.0.
Network provider diagnostics show ADSL 100% and system advises “on line”. Set up NetworkManager for eth0 but Hostname/DNS tab gives message “no interface with DHCP”. I am sure that I have followed all the help details during setup. You will gather that I am completely lost. Can someone give me a clue, or a step-by-step guide for the settings? >:(
Have a look at swerdna’s excellent how to:
HowTo Configure a network card in Suse/openSUSE 10, 11 for LAN and Internet Access.
Thanks or the tip. Have followed his instructions which seem to have been OK as I set them up. My problem comes when writing the comfig. It bombs at “Activate network services” wirh message, "Couldn’t resolve host “’” preumably because I have not provided my password. Nowhere in the setup can I find a password entry. Consequently, SuSeconfig does not run.
This may be because you have no active internet connection. The solution is to disable all online repo’s and just leave the install dvd active when setting up a network.