I ran into an issue yesterday where my network connections were completely unavailable (both Ethernet em1 and wireless wlpfs0) after applying the latest Tumbleweed update. When I bring up the YAST Network Settings app I get the following message “Network is handled by NetworkManager or completely disabled. YAST is unable to configure some options”. I can look at the Network Tools application and it shows both network connections and their MAC addresses, but both show an Inactive state. Any suggestions about how to re-activate my connections or gather additional error information to troubleshoot further?
What you’re describing is exactly what you should see.
If you’re configured to use Network Manager (In YAST > Network Settings < Far left tab radio buttons), then only a few settings would be active, like settings in your Hostname/DNS tab.
Also, when using Network Manager, your YAST network device settings are greyed out because those settings are not used… Instead, you open up Network Manager and create/configure your connections.
If you wish to <not> use Network Manager, as I mentioned above you should select the radio button that deselects Network Manager, and then those greyed out pages will become active again.
But, beware that only Network Manager will save multiple network configurations which is important if your machine is portable and might connect to different wireless networks… You may not want to have to re-create a new network connection to a new network every time.