opensuse 11.4 kde 4.7
when I try to put networkmanagement applet plasmoid on desktop or panel I have an error tha say:
“questo oggetto non puo’ essere creato per la seguente ragione: impossibile trovare il componente richiesto: org.kde.networkmanagement”
that in English should be something of this:
“this object cannot be created for the following reason: impossible to find the requested component: org.kde.networkmanagement”
reading around it seems to be a qdbus error, if on a running system where networkmanagement works I run
To use NetworkManager, it must be enabled in YaST / Network Devices / Network Settings / Global Options Tab / “User Controlled with Network Manager” Bullet must be set then select OK in the bottom right corner. Did you do this already? Also, NetworkManager is good when you have two or more networks like having wireless and wired on a laptop. If you only have a wired connection, I do not normally use NetworkManager, but the traditional method with ifup, as it is called.
it is installed on my netbook, so I have more than one network, now with kde eth0 network connect automatically, networkmanager works, what don’t works is the network management plasmoid to switch among networks, in gnome everything works but I dont like gnome:-))
Do you have GNOME 3 installed? If so, it’s a known issue, caused by Networkmanager version conflicts. The workaround is to use nm-applet in KDE. That allows you to browse the networks.