Network setup?

Why is there a NEED beyond all decency and description to make things so complicated that average computerusers are left high and dry because of the most elementary small things, or things that should be small and elementary. Are the programmers actually trying to ensure that average users are blocked from using their pcs with linux? I happily installed openSUSE and it is out of the question to get online (have tried), yast2 is a trackless waste, networkmanager is disabled (where do one enable). The box itself is a dualprocessor PIII workstation, with one integrated (on the motherboard) and one PCI-card ethernet contact. It took me 1,5-2 hrs of fiddling to get it online a few days ago, today back to square one.

I don’t think that there is an OS that makes networking as easy as Linux. If you are using KDE for example then you don’t have to set up anything - just connect. Open Dolphin, click on network and then network services (my system is German so I am not sure of the English word). You will see your computers in the network, so all that you need to do is click on the one that you want to connect to, enter your password and connect. That’s it!
What hardware are you using by the way? How comes network manager is disable? That doesn’t sound normal to me.

There are 2 modes for configuring networks under openSUSE. (1) The traditional (ifup/ifdown) way
(2) Via networkmanager

The 2nd method is easier for end users to use.

If you start up Yast’s network module, there is an option to choose between these 2 modes.

@eavybladr: Did you choose the autoconfiguration option when installing? Usually works.

In theory Linux is THE OPTIMUM THING. In my experience reality is vastly different. In an attempt at installing Ubuntu some months ago, the pc worked acceptably from the livedisc, after installing there was no network interface and no hardwarelist to add an interface to. I then tried absolutelinux and it was the same story again, no way to get online. In Dolphins network category there is: Network, Networkservices, Sambaresources (all of them empty) and Add networkfolder. I cant even guess how Network Management got disabled. The pc is a dual processor PIII @ 500mhz with ca 600MB of ram and 12GB hdd, a AGP dualhead graphicscard from Matrox.

Was not aware of the autoconfiguration option when installing.

Reinstalled the OS, the network is functioning, for now.

Network is functioning for the 2nd time in a row, but I had to fiddle with to get it working, anyway this is a new record.

When you say it stops working, what happens? Do you time out waiting for a response in your Web browser, or what precisely happens?

Do you have KNetworkManager working yet?

It’s possible that you need to disable IPV6, if you haven’t already. It’s also possible that the system is being confused by the presence of two network possibilities. My laptop has both wireless and wired networking, and if I have the wireless enabled, KNetworkManager sometimes gets petulant and confused, and refuses to use either one. I have to manually click the connection that I want.