network problem (ping: host unreachable sometimes)


i am having a problem with a opensuse 11 installation…

sometimes, when i turn on my pc and try to ping in another computer, even on the modem, i get the message “host unreachable”, then a restart the computer and try again, and works.

what could be happening?

i configured the suse with static ip…

anyone could help me please?

thanks a lot.

Hi. There should be an option to disable IPv6 buried somewhere in YAST. Maybe that would help.:frowning:

if you configured with a static ip address, did you enter a name server? if you don’t use dhcp, you have to define a name server and a gateway, hope that helps

Hmmm … this is in all probability far-fetched, but … did you configure all your equipment to use the same net/subnet mask? And disable the SuSE firewall at least temporarily?

thanks guys,

i will try…

and later, i will post here the results…:wink: