Network Manager screwed up

I’m on TW, current. Network Manager is a wreck. Every time e.g. the WWAN loses connection, I have to reboot to get it working again, nothing I know of helps, especially not “service NetworkManager restart”. Any ideas? I know, there is a patch on the way, but I can’t find a newer version of Network Manager packages than installed.

Any ideas?

Could you provide a few details, what is going wrong in your installation? Log snippets?
Otherwise it’s just wild guessing for us.

I assume, you have read the threads about the DNS problems? And it is not the problem in your system?


It’s the user interface, the applet that doesn’t work. The nm-applet doesn’t display an active wifi connection, e.g. Only the inactive ones. It freezes, the symbol vanishes from the systray. Somebody called Hendrik Woltersdorf reported on similar issues on the factory list on Sept. 23rd…

The DNS issue hit me in a train last Friday.

If you have read my post on the factory mailing list, did you already try the workaround, I posted there* ?


Yes, without succes.

I can get the WWAN chip back to work, if I hibernate (s2disk). After wakeup I can connect again. Sigh. Otherwise it simply can’t create a connection.