Network Manager cable ethernet device doesn't work always

Hi to everyone!
I’ve got a problem with my network connection.
I’ve got a notebook with a cable ethernet adapter pcmcia. Everything was working fine since few days ago when the system started to unrecognize the card and the network manager told me that the cable connections were disconnected even if the adapter lights were turned on.
The network starts to work just turning off the computer, disconnetting the battery and waiting 15 minutes.
I use network manager form my network settings, and I think that the ethernet adapter still works fine, probably it’s a software settings problem.
Could you give me some advices to solve this problem. I really need of a reliable internet connection.

System Information
Opensuse 11.4
Gnome 2.32.1
Network Manager 0.8.2

I don’t think this is a software problem, not unless you made changes to the configuration. I rather think that something in the hardware chain is in a degrading condition. Could be the cable, could be the pcmcia card.

Thanks for your reply.
Sometimes the network manager sees the auto eth0 and connect to it, and sometimes it can’t see any cable connection…
I’ve tried to change the cable but nothing changes.
It’s not a router problem because I’ve got the same problem at my office.
Maybe the adapter, maybe the PCMCIA slot, but how to verify that it’s not the software?

On 02/16/2012 02:16 AM, sim0ne wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> Sometimes the network manager sees the auto eth0 and connect to it, and
> sometimes it can’t see any cable connection…
> I’ve tried to change the cable but nothing changes.
> It’s not a router problem because I’ve got the same problem at my
> office.
> Maybe the adapter, maybe the PCMCIA slot, but how to verify that it’s
> not the software?

I agree that it sounds like a hardware problem. When if fails, does unplugging
the PCMCIA card, and replugging it help?

If I unplug the card the computer crashes. And restarting the computer, unplug, re-plug and restarting doesn’t solve the problem… but sometimes it works (typically after many hours that the notebook is shut down).

On 02/16/2012 03:56 PM, sim0ne wrote:
> If I unplug the card the computer crashes. And restarting the computer,
> unplug, re-plug and restarting doesn’t solve the problem… but
> sometimes it works (typically after many hours that the notebook is shut
> down).

That crash should be reported at - it should not happen.

Does the computer need to be off for a long time, or is it sufficient to leave
the PCMCIA card unplugged with the computer on? That answer should handle
whether it is the PCMCIA adapter or the Ethernet card.

Note that an E-bay search for “PCMCIA Ethernet” yielded a Cardbus unit for $4.65
“Buy it Now” with free shipping. A USB Ethernet dongle is about $25.

I’ve bought on ebay a USB-ethernet card (so I can avoid also eventually PCMCIA problems).
For the moment I need to use PCMCIA and I’m interested to know where is the problem.
About the last question:

Does the computer need to be off for a long time, or is it sufficient to leave
the PCMCIA card unplugged with the computer on?

I can’t give to you an exact reply because I must shut down the computer to plug the PCMCIA for the crash problem but, if I restart the computer without the ethernet card then, shut down and restart with the card, the problem still remain.
The card works only when I switch on the computer after long time.
Thanks for your collaboration!

On 02/17/2012 01:56 AM, sim0ne wrote:

> I can’t give to you an exact reply because I must shut down the
> computer to plug the PCMCIA for the crash problem but, if I restart the
> computer without the ethernet card then, shut down and restart with the
> card, the problem still remain.
> The card works only when I switch on the computer after long time.
> Thanks for your collaboration!

If the computer needs to be off a long time, then I think you have a PCMCIA
adapter problem.

When you run the command ‘/sbin/lspci -nn’, is the Ethernet card in the list?
Does that change when it fails?