Network connection fails to go past router

So up until I updated from Opensuse 11.3 to 11.4, I hadn’t any issues with my network connection. At least none worth mentioning. Once I installed 11.4, I’ve had weird issues with varying lengths of connection. Sometimes I can’t connect anywhere, sometimes I can only get to the router, sometimes I’m 100%. I’d fiddle with YAST until everything worked. I honestly have no clue whether or not anything I did had any effect.

Enough of the iffy history, here’s what’s happening now. For the past few weeks up until last night, I have been at 100% connectivity. I never turned off my computer until last night (it just shut itself off, like the cord was unplugged. I dunno what happened, maybe it was my foot, maybe the PSU. I think it has happened before.). When I turned it back on, I was only able to connect as far as my router (, a D-Link Gaming router that has always been very good to me). I could not make it to my modem (, a Quest DSL modem. Once I can get here, then usually I’m good to go 100%).

I tried again this afternoon, and no change. I then get the crazy idea to unplug the ethernet cable from it’s PCI-card home and return it to the onboard port (which I long ago declared defunct). Immediately after plugging it into that port, I ran “ping” and I started getting returns. I open up Firefox and try to load an external page, and nothing happens. I go back to the console that I was pinging from, and it had stopped. I start pinging my router, and no luck.

What I conclude from my little experiment is that the router is not at fault.

  1. It did not change at all between being at 100% and being at 0% after reboot.
  2. I was able to get returns from the modem, past the router, for a brief period of time while using the defunct ethernet port.

Since I never had these problems before updating to 11.4, I’m inclined to believe that it was the update that started these problems.

I have had some DNS issues which seemed to affect openSUSE a lot for some reason earlier in the year. To fix the issue, I went into my D-Link Gamer Lounge Router and added the following DNS servers.


It might be worth a try in your case as well.

Thank You,

I’m afraid I’ll need a little lesson in DNS servers. What exactly is the route that data travels when I set my router to use one of these DNS servers? How is that different from now, and what will it do to solve my problem? Can I implement this method so it affects only the one Opensuse computer on my network (all other computers are working fine, and I’m quite satisfied with their speed relative to the ISP max)?

More importantly, how do I implement this change? The first page that comes to mind is this, and to be frank, I hardly understand any of these fields.](

I’m sorry for the ton of questions. This is something I’m rather interested in, and I would like to learn as much as I can from this experience, preferably more than just going through the paces. I know it takes time to write out explanations, and I understand if you don’t have much time. I really appreciate your help.

On Mon, 16 May 2011 22:36:02 +0000, Waldo II wrote:

> Enough of the iffy history, here’s what’s happening now. For the past
> few weeks up until last night, I have been at 100% connectivity. I never
> turned off my computer until last night (it just shut itself off, like
> the cord was unplugged. I dunno what happened, maybe it was my foot,
> maybe the PSU. I think it has happened before.). When I turned it back
> on, I was only able to connect as far as my router (, a
> D-Link Gaming router that has always been very good to me). I could not
> make it to my modem (, a Quest DSL modem. Once I can get
> here, then usually I’m good to go 100%).

Usually a consumer-class router connecting via PPPoE or something similar
won’t let you reach the modem at all.

From the workstation, what’s the output of the ‘route’ command? It
sounds like you’re just not getting a default route.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

I omitted the Metric, Ref, and Use columns because they were all the same- all zeros

Kernel IP Routing Table
Destination ----- Gateway ----- Genmask ----- Flags ----- Iface       *        U         eth2       *        U         eth0
link-local        *          U         eth2
loopback          *            U         lo
default              UG        eth0

On Mon, 16 May 2011 23:36:01 +0000, Waldo II wrote:

> I omitted the Metric, Ref, and Use columns because they were all the
> same- all zeros
> Code:
> --------------------
> Kernel IP Routing Table
> Destination ----- Gateway ----- Genmask ----- Flags ----- Iface
> * U eth2
> * U eth0
> link-local * U eth2
> loopback * U lo default
> UG eth0
> --------------------

What happens if you do a traceroute to, say,


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On the router, you need to select Basic then Manual Configuration and then DNS servers are added under the heading of DNS and Advanced Settings. There is a check block for use these Servers and then you can input a Primary and a Secondary DNS server. These settings will not upset anything else in your setup and can be used no matter what issue you might be having.

Thank You,

Traceroute Google (It should be noted that is the local address of the workstation in question)

1 * * * *
2 * * * *
3 * * * *
4 * * * *
5 * * * *
6 (1921.68.1.174)(H!) 298.862ms (H!) 2987.791ms (H!) 2986.648ms

jdmcdaniel, I entered the DNS servers you applied to the right place. They had no effect on my Opensuse computer’s ability to connect past the modem.

Edit: For contrast, here is tracert from a different computer on the network, a Windows XP machine.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3    41 ms    41 ms    66 ms []
  4   123 ms    92 ms    88 ms []

  5    73 ms    97 ms    41 ms [
  6    53 ms    51 ms    52 ms [66.192.243
  7    99 ms   153 ms   211 ms
  8    51 ms    53 ms    53 ms
  9    72 ms    94 ms   133 ms

Trace complete.

So in openSUSE 11.4 are you using the Traditional Method with ifup or are you using the NetworkManager? I am thinking you need to blow away your entire networking setup and start over again. However, before we try that, why not run this terminal command and see what affect if any it might have:

sudo /sbin/netconfig update -f

It did help one individual with a routing problem.

Thank You,

On Tue, 17 May 2011 02:36:02 +0000, Waldo II wrote:

> Traceroute ‘Google’ ( (It should be noted that
> is the local address of the workstation in question)
> Code:
> --------------------
> 1 * * * *
> 2 * * * *
> 3 * * * *
> 4 * * * *
> 5 * * * *
> 6 (1921.68.1.174)(H!) 298.862ms (H!) 2987.791ms (H!)
> 2986.648ms
> --------------------

Definitely a routing issue, and from what I can see on your route
configuration, doesn’t look like it’s openSUSE that’s having the problem.

Does the machine have two NICs by chance? Maybe a wired and a wireless


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

Not trying to hijack the thread but I’m having weird problems with Win XP that is very much like this. I have a dual boot box that gives me no trouble with openSUSE 11.4 getting to the internet. I booted to XP so I could use iTunes on my wife’s iPod and I could not get to the internet! After a lot of fiddling, I could ping the router but it will go no further. I had not booted to XP for many weeks, but the last time I did, it worked normally. I stripped out everything I could think of in the firewall settings, but that did no good.

I can’t even come up with a good conspiracy theory for this one. Hope someone can help.

On Mon May 16 2011 06:06 pm, Waldo II wrote:

> I’m afraid I’ll need a little lesson in DNS servers. What exactly is the
> route that data travels when I set my router to use one of these DNS
> servers? How is that different from now, and what will it do to solve my
> problem? Can I implement this method so it affects only the one Opensuse
> computer on my network (all other computers are working fine, and I’m
> quite satisfied with their speed relative to the ISP max)?
Waldo II;

DNS stands for “Domain Name System”. A DNS server merely converts a human
readable domain name, e.g., into a machine friendly IP. e.g. jdmcdaniel3 is merely suggesting that you try the DNS servers
offered by Google ( and These sometimes work better than
the DNS server offered by your ISP. Setting the DNS server has no effect on
your routing. It only effects converting Domain Names to IPs.

It is possible that for some reason dhcp is not properly updating your DNS
server IP. Can you ping google by IP:

ping -c3

Can you post the results of:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

“/sbin/netconfig update -f” had no effect.

The machine has one onboard network card, with one ethernet port. I’ve had troubles with that one in the past, that’s the one I have declared defunct. The other that I have been using for at least a year now is a generic PCI NIC, with a single port.

So what do I do to fix this, if its a routing issue? The router has been serving me superbly for years, and no other computer on my network has had any hiccup (2 other workstations + 2 laptops + TIVO). I might end up buying a new wired NIC in a few days if I can’t get this all together, but I really don’t want to spend the money. I appreciate all of the help so far, thank you.

Sorry for the double post, 10 minute limit I guess.

output of cat /etc/resolv.conf

search site domain.actdsltmp

The ping command failed, of course, as nothing can make it past the router.

Could You show us the output of “route” command form one of your other machines ? (“route print” is a windows equivalent)

As hendersj an venzkep had already sugessted this is not a DNS issue. It’s a routing issue because of which You can’t get to any DNS server because proper routing is needed for that :slight_smile:

Best regards,

I did post the results of tracert from a Windows machine on my network in this post: Network connection fails to go past router

When I get home today, I’ll try ‘route print’ from that same machine.

Hasn’t been mentioned yet, but did you try this:

Turn all off, i.e. unplug modem, router, shutdown PC(s).
Wait for 5 minutes
Turn on modem
Turn on router
Turn on PC(s).

Like Jim, I don’t think it’s an openSUSE problem, looks like the router is “holding” something. The above has helped me dozens of times.

Problem solved
I tried turning off the modem, router, and machine, and turning them on again in that order; no effect.

I ended up back in YaST, and I ‘deleted’ / deconfigured the defunct, onboard NIC. That was all that was needed to get things working. The onboard NIC (defuncf) is now labeled as ‘not configured’ in YaST, and the PCI card that I have been using is configured. I can’t imagine why this would work, if anyone has a hunch please let it out. The only theory I have as to why that would work would be if OpenSUSE was trying to use that defunct NIC as the default, but since I was able to get through to the router with the PCI NIC, that can’t be the case.

I appreciate the attention and help I have received, regardless of effect. It feels great to have someplace I can go to if I can’t fix something on my own. My next project is getting sound working again; at the moment only one audio program can work at a time, I think it has something to do with ALSA not working and OSS working.

On Tue, 17 May 2011 20:36:02 +0000, Waldo II wrote:

> I tried turning off the modem, router, and machine, and turning them on
> again in that order; no effect.
> I ended up back in YaST, and I ‘deleted’ / deconfigured the defunct,
> onboard NIC. That was all that was needed to get things working. The
> onboard NIC (defuncf) is now labeled as ‘not configured’ in YaST, and
> the PCI card that I have been using is configured. I can’t imagine why
> this would work, if anyone has a hunch please let it out. The only
> theory I have as to why that would work would be if OpenSUSE was trying
> to use that defunct NIC as the default, but since I was able to get
> through to the router with the PCI NIC, that can’t be the case.
> I appreciate the attention and help I have received, regardless of
> effect. It feels great to have someplace I can go to if I can’t fix
> something on my own.

It’s good to hear you got things working again - that really is a sense
of accomplishment, and I agree that it’s a great feeling to resolve
something that’s been giving one trouble. :slight_smile:

> My next project is getting sound working again; at
> the moment only one audio program can work at a time, I think it has
> something to do with ALSA not working and OSS working.

Of course, the multimedia forum would be the place to start for help with
that - there are several people (oldcpu for one) who are very good with
sound issues who should be able to get things going well for you. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at