Network Card Detected but Not starting


I have Onboard Realtek ethernet card (eth0) it worked fine but suddenly it stopped working when i see in yast it shows hwinfo not found.

when i use hwinfo --netcard it gives realtek card name thats all.

I went to yast >lan> edit> hardware and tried to add r8169 module but it was not accepting.

previously created ifcfg-eth0 file is available but its not getting up.

when i say ifup eth0 it say interface not found.

the same messg is also available in /var/log/boot.msg.

kindly help what might be the problem


Can you provide output of

/sbin/lspci -nnk

Another thought: This isn’t a dual boot machine by any chance? If so, did you recently boot into Windows? I’ve read of problems like this (a few years ago now) whereby it was necessary to completely power down the computer (with AC power removed), in order to resest the NIC, before restarting openSUSE.


Thanks for your reply its not dual boot machine i only have suse. coming back to /sbin/lspci -nnk i shall provide u the output in the eveining as i am leaving to office.

Thanks for the support.


Tell us which version of openSUSE you’re using as well.