Netbeans 6.x: which version should I install??

Hello to everyone.

I must confess that I’m little confused… after two year of no-programming activity I must now come back and start to develop in Java.
In the meanwhile I have migrated from Windows to Linux, here starts my doubts. I would to install the latest version of netbeans available, so I have gone on the netbeans official site. Here I’ve found the Netbeans 6.9.1 version available (see But packages are marked as “x86/x64”, so I told to myself “mmmmh… better to take a look to what Yast says…”

After running Yast, I’ve found only one package available:
netbeans-ide10 = version 6.5-4.5 (noarch)

“Version 6.5 only?? :(”, I told to myself. So, my next move was to run the “Package Search (Webpin)” tool. In this way I found the
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - version 6.8 (noarch)

No version 6.9 is available… :’(
But, ok, 6.8 is enough for me. The question is: may I install the 6.8 version even if the open-jdk is installed on my machine? Or need I the original 1.6.x JDK/JRE from sun?

Here some infos on my OpenSUSE 11.2 computer:

uname -a ------> Linux giulix #1 SMP 2010-12-10 11:18:32 +0100 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
java -version ---------> **java version “1.6.0_20”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.7) (suse-1.2.2-i386)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)

I want to be sure to make the right choice, before installing the wrong version and creating a mess… :shame:

If this is a brand new Eclipse install, I’d recommend you just download and install Eclipse from source from the Eclipse website, that’s the general recommendation.

My shortlist of reasons…

  • As a Developer, you’ll probably value stability over chasing the latest version of anything. When you build an application, you will want to be certain what’s in your app, and you will want your Dev Tools to similarly work reliably and consistently. A major feature of apps from RPMs is their constant auto updates, but is likely a detriment in this kind of situation.
  • If you download an entire package from Eclipse, all components will be “latest” and “stable” by their standards, packaged as a complete working environment. You shouldn’t see unexplained anomalies.
  • Unless you really have a reason to use a later version of Netbeans than what Eclipse deems “latest” and “stable” you shouldn’t. What you build needs to run on targets which may themselves not support anything later than “stable.”

As for Java versions, search all the technical forums for “update-alternatives” to see how you can point openSUSE to a specific version of Java installed in your machine if you need to install multiple versions of Java (not only version numbers but JRE and JDK).

I’d also recommend you take the time to upgrade your 11.2 to at least 11.3, IMO if you’re going to be using the machine for developing for a long time you want to make your changes <now> before setting up your Dev environment because once your Dev Environ is setup you’ll want to keep it relatively stable and unchanging thereafter.

IMO and HTH,

Ok Tony… now my doubts reaches the top! lol!

Yes, I know Elicpse is an excellent IDE too. I’m not searching for the best IDE, I’m only searching for the mostest easy to install on my OpenSUSE :slight_smile:

As I understand, in your opinion, Eclipse is more stable and mature than Netbeans. I appreciate this aspect. But I don’t want to spend my time in installing it and making guru magies to make it work.

I must develop a small (but with a complicate algorithm) financial application for personal use spending less time as possible. All I need is:

  • an editor
  • the java language
  • some third-party library

I was a programmer, but now I’m trying to detoxify myself rotfl!

So, question is: which is the fastest way to set-up a java environment on my PC? Using Netbeans or Eclipse?

For example: looking at the Eclipse site I see no document talking about the installation phase. All I have is a tar.gzip file… :frowning:
If you look at Netbeans, you will have detailed installation instruction (NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 Installation Instructions)
Where I can find similar instructions for Eclipse?

(note added later: I have found installation istructions for Eclipse here: - seems easy to install and run!)

Unlike some other apps, Eclipse is very easy to install from source, there’s very little (maybe nothing at all) to be concerned about. Only “after install” issue I’ve dealt with is default runtime permissions, I’ve sometimes wanted to build something that required something more than User permsissions so I’ve installed Eclipse twice, one to run as an ordinary User and the other to run as Root… but that’s just me.

Recommend just select the Eclipse package which is most appropriate to your solution and it will be installed with NetBeans integrated and ready to go. My advice is to not install NetBeans separately (which might then require additional integration steps).


I am a Java developer, Netbeans is the best for java stantard and enterprise development. I use the last Netbeans 6.9.1 in openSUSE 11.4. It is easy to use as to install it in openSUSE.

As you have noticed, only the version 6.5 is available in the openSUSE repos. but I recommend you to install the lastest version (Netbeans 6.9.1).

You need to download the linux installer and run it (I like to run install Netbeans in my home dir.).

Also I like more the sun implementation of Java than openJDK, you could install both using Yast.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Hello xcallejas,

thanks for your clear reply.
After considering Eclipse as a valid alternative, I think that I will use netbeans. I want to download and install the “Java SE” version (54 mb) listed in the download page of the netbeans site.
Nevertheless, there are some points still obscure to me. :shame:

  1. You (and installation instructions too) refers to a phantomatic “installer”. Where I found “Linux installer” ? Are you talking about a specific tool?

  2. Do you know the address of a repo containing the latest sun implementation of Java?

About point (2): OpenJDK 1.6.x is yet installed and working normally on my PC. Using yast and/or Webpin tools I have found only OpenJDK repositories as available for installation. Probably, I must add a new software repository through the “Software repositories” tool, I’m right?

I must correct what I wrote above…

point 1: the “installer” is simply the file that I download from after making it executable via the chmod command :shame:

point 2: downloading and installing sun JDK SE rpm directly from the sun’s site will work? (see: Java SE Downloads) :\

(excuse me for errors, I’m little bit under pressure in this days…)

point1 : yes, the “installer” is the file you download.

point2 : you could download the JDK from Sun site, or you could use the one from official openSUSE Update repo as me:

rpm -qa | grep java | grep devel


Ok :good: , thank you xcallejas for the time you spent with me.

Many thanks to tsu2 (Tony) for his reply.