sudo /usr/sbin/ethtool -s enp2s0f5 speed 100 duplex full
to run as root pre KDE, so that everything including mounting remote network drives is up and running before I or other users login
But how do I do that in a simple way. I have tried to lookup several - for me - rather complicated scrips, so I hope someone can explain me this in a basic way or point me in the right direction.
Thank You for Your help and suggestion. Unfortunately it will not work - neither with wicked network management or network manager.
When I look at the output in boot.log it seems that the boot process stalls at finding the network interface.
In the **/etc/udev/rules.d **folder another - but empty - network related file is created at every boot called “70-persistent-net.rules”.
For wicked, you can add the following option in your ifcfg-* config file
ETHTOOL_OPTIONS=’autoneg off speed 100 duplex full’
Refer man ifcfg
If this variable is not empty, wicked will set these options on an ethernet type device. See the ethtool (8) manual page for
available options. If the option string starts with a ‘-’ (e.g. ‘-K iface rx on’), then the second word in the string will be
replaced with the current interface name. Otherwise (e.g. ‘autoneg off speed 10’) ifup prepends ‘-s <interface>’. The
optional variable suffix can be used to apply every setting separately, e.g.: