Need to find a CLI utility

I’m looking for a search tool to find the name of a command line executable. For example:

bart@UNIVAC:~> whatdoes "check two files are the same"

or perhaps tell me the equivalent linux command based on a MS DOS command

bart@UNIVAC:~> whatequiv comp"

I have a 900 page book I can use but by the time I find what I want, I’ve forgotten why I wanted it!


Run the command info then press / to do a regex search in your example enter compare and then press enter, just like vi, press the / and enter to continue your search. Then there is info info or man info :wink:

I’m not sure I completely understand you, but you could use the ‘cmp’ command (to check that two files are identical) or not.

cmp <file-1> <file-2>

or using ‘diff’

diff <file-1.bin> <file-2.bin>

*Read the man pages for further info.

The answer may depend on how you want any differences to be reported.

The answer is “cmp”.

I sometimes need to go the other way (to find the name of the MSDOS command).

If you are unsure which command/executable you can use a keyword with apropos.

apropos «keyword»

You’re looking for a command/executable that can compare files then the keyword should be «compare»

apropos compare

The first field should be the name of the command/executable the second in enclosed with the ( and ) that is should be included when you want to read the man pages. For example apropos compare list cmp and the output looks like this.

cmp (1)              - compare two files byte by byte

The command you should run is cmp and if you want to read the man pages add the 1 ie

man 1 cmp

Since you are using openSUSE which is a Linux system the long option with the help word should work.

cmp --help

Good luck.

There you go! Exactly what I was looking for! The comp /cmp was only an example, I find I’m often wanting to do something, and don’t know the command. This will be a whole lot easier!

