I need to know what to do to make my drive /windows/d writeable for users ?
here is the fstab :
UUID=9eda87ca-dd81-4dce-9bbc-cbf9b8bd251c swap swap defaults 0 0
UUID=182f3040-706a-4ed7-bcd0-e89ccf02e76d / ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 1
UUID=5622512b-bd09-4e65-951d-04dd204fe0a4 /boot ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 2
UUID=016d1cd8-b5ba-41cf-b4b2-a594c0b94868 /home ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 2
UUID=943CCE993CCE7630 /windows/c ntfs-3g users,gid=users,fmask=133,dmask=022,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
UUID=0AD2-0959 /windows/d vfat users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true 0 0
December 23, 2015, 5:33am
UUID=0AD2-0959 /windows/d vfat defaults 0 0
You may have to chown the /d directory with the -R option
kde users can actually manage permissions with the dolphin super user file manager too
December 23, 2015, 5:34am
ntfs would be a better choice
vfat has limitations
changing the fstab did not help . i don’t have access to chown /d as root , but i could chown /windows . changing properties with dolphin gives a “not enough permissions” message .
December 24, 2015, 5:53am
You need to use the super user dolphin
i tried super user dolphin , and chown on command line and neither helped .
i also get a " softreset failed device not ready " error message that shows up briefly when i boot .
In windows is fast boot off? also do not hibernate Windows the drive is not properly shut down then.
everything is good now . i followed the exact instructions at :
to get everything to work . i changed d: from fat32 to ntfs first . i only had 20 gig on it .