Need Suggestions

Hello all.
Today I come to ask for a solution to a problem that I have and I know here I’ll find some ideas and maybe the solution.

Could somebody post any idea(s) about fixing performance problem using distributed computing, clustering, grid, etc.

The thing is that I have a computer(Pentium IV, RAM: 2 GB ) working as a dedicated web server to support php-mysql-web requests in a high populated environment, it works, but too slow sometimes. I also control another similar computer that is doing nothing, powered off all the time. I don’t want to buy a higher computer and I thing there is a way to join both computer to work as one, like beowulf clusters, but I’m not sure how to do that or if is possible to distribute resources for apache, mysql and php between those two machines.

I just need to take a direction, right now, I don’t know where to look.

Thanks in advance.

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First suggestion, divide rolls. Have a server dedicated to your MySQL
requests. Also be sure any queries you do against your DB are taking
advantage of indexes. With these two changes you can probably do a bit
better right away. Another option adding another box would be to have
one DB server and two frontend servers and have your frontend servers
share the load via, at least, DNS round-robin if not a proper L4 switch.
This means you’re starting to get serious, though, so you will start
incurring expense or diminishing returns at some point.

Good luck.

castord wrote:
> Hello all.
> Today I come to ask for a solution to a problem that I have and I know
> here I’ll find some ideas and maybe the solution.
> Could somebody post any idea(s) about fixing performance problem using
> distributed computing, clustering, grid, etc.
> The thing is that I have a computer(Pentium IV, RAM: 2 GB ) working as
> a dedicated web server to support php-mysql-web requests in a high
> populated environment, it works, but too slow sometimes. I also control
> another similar computer that is doing nothing, powered off all the
> time. I don’t want to buy a higher computer and I thing there is a way
> to join both computer to work as one, like beowulf clusters, but I’m not
> sure how to do that or if is possible to distribute resources for
> apache, mysql and php between those two machines.
> I just need to take a direction, right now, I don’t know where to
> look.
> Thanks in advance.
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Yeah, like ab says, the easiest split is apache/php on one computer and mysql on the other. If you wrote the php scripts well, it’s just a matter of moving the DB over, and changing the DB settings for your php app.

I’ll try separating mysql and php-apache.
Thank both of you!