Need suggestions about improving rendering fonts

Hello, I am a user of Tumbleweed with Plasma. As my age grows, my sight needs help, and yesterday I found really difficult to work because of that. I tested a Live Ubuntu, and I found it easier for me to read, more comfortable. So there are some questions now:

Sorry, I couldn’t continue writing. Here it is the post:
Hello, I am a user of Tumbleweed with Plasma and Wayland, because of my two screens. The computer uses Intel and an integrated graphic card. As my age grows, my sight needs help; and yesterday I found really difficult to work because of that. I tested a Live Ubuntu in the same computer, and I found it more comfortable for me to read and to use (for my eyes). So there are some questions now: ¿Is it a question about desktop? ¿Could it be also more comfortable for me using Tumbleweed Gnome? ¿Is it just a question about the distribution? And then, ¿Is it nowadays possible to improve this in opensuse? Because the topics I have read about this are from more than six years ago, and Idon’t really know if they are still useful and advisable. I already use Ubuntu fonts. ¡Thanks a lot for your help!

@joselu68 Hi, have a look at the Tweak Tool and Fonts section… Adjust as required, I use the following;

Thanks! So you think it can be a question of desktop? Because your answer is about Gnome. Better for me to change to Gnome?

@joselu68 There should be similar settings in the Plasma desktop options. I also increase the size of the mouse pointer…

@joselu68. Did you try this in systemsettings

I don’t have the option of “Force font DPI”. Or I cannot see it.

If you enable Anti-aliasing it will not be greyed out and hopefully you will be able to adjust. The one in yast2 might be of help also.

Adjust it accordingly.
On a side note I had a surgery for both of my eyes to reattach the retina so like you my eyes is also problematic, that’s why I am using bigger fonts. I just had a cataract surgery in August and September also :grinning: