Need OpenSUSE staff member who compiled Petitboot

I need the OpenSUSE programmer that compiled the petitboot for the PS3 platform on v 11.0 to please tell me how he did it, or can we get the scripts he used, or his source? Becuase whoever it is, you guys sure make the best petitboot builds available, and 11.0 was the best so far (11.1 ain’t so great or wasn’t before).

Come on guys… give me a procedure, not a finished file. :\ Tell me how you did that. The original author used OpenWRT as a baseline environment. What did you guys do? Can I please get a procedure? I like the boot loader you guys came up with there.:wink:

Does this help extract and analyse…

I have all the required files. The procedure is what the unique build process is related to.

It requires both petitboot and libtwin, and he builds his (the author) from within a “OpenWRT” embedded kernel build environment.

What I want to know is how OpenSuse created their build environment (what kernel, how bare bones stripped, etc.),
and how they set up the keys that allow command line editing and such. So what I need to know is how they scripted their build to compile and up with that boot loader binary file. The baseline instructions do not outline the features that OpenSuse incorporated into their 11.0 build.:slight_smile: Your link is broken, BTW… Not the link, the actual file.

The building looks like it is in the .spec file to me…

I certainly see

%ifarch ppc pp64
# make initrd
bash -x %{S:1} initrd-tmp       
# make otheros.bld

If not there now I admit I’m out of my depth but what about looks like it’s doing some pretty **** low level stuff to me.

If that still isn’t enough you have a email addys a plenty, but I wouldn’t go expecting them to spend time explaining.

I’m starting to think the question is how do I cross compile for ppc that I think is one for google.

No, it isn’t cross compile or that little make command. You guys spent a while setting up the menus and splash screen, etc. that does not normally get included, and your otheros.bld file has “features”. I am after the process that allows me to choose such “features” when I compile my otheros.bld.