Need live USB stick

Is there a live USB version available? Doesn’t have to be current. Any GUI will do. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the speedy response. I downloaded openSUSE-Tumbleweed-XFCE-Live-x86_64-Snapshot20240906-Media.iso. When I booted it and used YaST/System/Bootlader to detect an other OS, I got…

How do I work around that?

You start with explaining what you tried to achieve.

Using its YaST, I would like add other OS’es on hard drives to its grub configuration so I can boot any of them.

And why are you doing it using live USB stick instead of using YaST in the installed system?

I don’t believe that answers my question. But thanks anyway, perhaps someone else will have a solution.

I don’t get what you’re trying to achieve. Your post does not explain.

What I am trying to achieve is to be able to boot one of several OS’es from a live openSUSE USB that I can boot on someone else’s notebook. I cannot understand why I get the error in the screenshot posted above. Perhaps it’s not solvable. I do understand that the live TW that I have created is not a full distribution. But it does allow me to start YaST and get to a Boot Loader menu that errors out.

For what you are trying to do, you probably need to install a small system to that USB.

A live system has limitations. It is based on using a CD/DVD which is read-only. Yes, you can write to the live system, but that depends on on overlay file system. It doesn’t work for updating the bootloader, because the overlay is not setup until after the system has booted.

Live USBs don’t use grub, and as such, can’t be used to boot multiple operating systems installed on the USB drive.

@ionmich I suspect you would also need two device, one for UEFI and one for Legacy boot…

Thanks to all of you. I have learned something new.

They most certainly do use grub, you just cannot update it using standard procedure from within booted Live USB itself.

Oh, of course. I don’t know why I was thinking it wasn’t grub, but yes, it is, but the issue with updating it is as you describe.

Thanks for clarifying that.

Your question was

and to answer it we need to understand what you are trying to achieve. You never answered it. What you said can be interpreted in at least three different ways and each needs different workaround.

My quest was in Post 8, or was that unclear?

As loathe as I am to bring it up, because people keep using it for the wrong things, you should have a look at ventoy, as this is pretty much what it does, it gives you the capability of installing multiple bootable images to a USB Drive (and possibly other media)

Just don’t use it for openSUSE install media.

Post 8 is from @knurpht

Sorry post 7,

ionmichWise Penguin


What I am trying to achieve is to be able to boot one of several OS’es from a live openSUSE USB that I can boot on someone else’s notebook. I cannot understand why I get the error in the screenshot posted above. Perhaps it’s not solvable. I do understand that the live TW that I have created is not a full distribution. But it does allow me to start YaST and get to a Boot Loader menu that errors out.