Need Internet Usage Monitor for GNOME / openSUSE

It should give me daily internet usage stats something/vaguely like this:-

I have tried ntop and darkstat ,but they were too complicated and cannot be launched from notification area like this

Also tried using KtrafficAnlyzer by installing KDE core, i am not very amused by the idea of having to install a massive run time file package for a simple tool

Kindly suggest a tool if available for GNOME

You can give these a try.
But i would prefer to go for gnome-system-monitor. Have you tried it?

Thanks for the reply

Can gnome-system-monitor give me usage data from multiple sessions(is data stored after shutdown)?
If so how to enable it?

gkrellm is cool.I had tried it once.Also can it give me data from multiple sessions ?

gkrellm fits the bill.Thanks it has a tiny button which gives me relevant data.Thanks a lot.

would also recommend this internet usage monitor"
we use it and that works good