need help with smplayer. un able to make it my default player

can some one help me or point me in the direction to change my default media player from totem to smplayer? i’m using open suse 11.2 gnome desk top. I’m trying to use it in in a web page for a live stream.but it goes to totem to play it. thanks in advance…:\

Default player in the browser and system are handled differently.
Currently if you look in your add-ons section in FFox > Plugins
You will see Totem Plugin
You can add gecko-mediaplayer too which is the mplayer plugin
Towards the end of this 11.3 guide tells you about this: Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide

If you want to post a url for me to try…?

hi caf4926. thanks for your help. here is an url for u to try.New Richmond High School - The Dan Scholz Show Week 5. try and see if u can play a video from this page as well. thank you for your help. and I’m running fire fox 3.6.

Radio streams in Totem
Video is a tiny sliver, again Totem.

If you right click the ‘page’ and view source and read the ‘head’ - honestly it doesn’t surprise me it’s all screwy.
The code looks wrong, and it’s very M$ too.

so it is working in totem for u? how can i keep smplayer to stream in the audio or video? thank you for helping me…:slight_smile:

The audio stream works
But the video is ‘Jeffed’.

How to switch it to smplayer? I am not sure
Let me have a fiddle and come back

Just so you know, I have gecko-mediaplayer (mplayer-plugin)

With the Totem plugins enabled as well, I get audio, but video is borked.

If I disable these and just leave gecko](

I get video but not audio](

Not all the media links behave in the same way. I went to different categories and some video will play with all my plugins enabled, some play as in the image above and some even open much bigger
I did go to default applications in the control centre and switch multimedia to gnome-mplayer
But they were still playing in Totem

I just tried a Mint 9 install and it plays them in gnome-mplayer with the gecko plugin, but not all links work properly!

this might aplay
when i installed suse ( default repos) there was a media " issue" , the patent encumbered codec .
this was expected - seeing as i live inside the new “iron curtain” USA .
yast has an option to switch the provider / the repo used
switch over from the default to the “pacman” repo for ALL packages related to music/video .

and in over 6 years i have never found a “good” use for totem , you might just uninstall it .

OK!! thank you for your help and for the pics(that is cool of u)!!! i have 2 of the plug ins disableed .but i do not have any windows media plug in.gecko i do not even see in my plug ins…so i will down load it and see if this could help me as well. john vv i will try your tip to see if it will work as well. and thank you as well for your help. caf 4926. have u ever seen “the linux action show” on if not you might want to take a look. and they r very help full .

I’ll take a look
I think I have seen them referred to before.

Gecko mediaplayer is mentioned in my multi-media guide