Need help with DroidCam

Hello I need to build a specific v4l2loopback module called v4l2loopback_dc for DroidCam… It requires kernel-headers-‘uname -r’ to be installed, and this doesn’t seem to be the syntax for OpenSUSE.

I’m stuck in 640x480 resolution and I don’t know how to change it. I’m not sure what v4l2loopback my system IS using as a default since I can’t build the custom one, and I’m at a loss to find a config file to edit or a way to adjust the resolution to the desired 1920x1080 or 1280x720

Appreciate any insights into v4l2 and resolution that might help me change to HD video feed. Thanks

@mhartigan Hi, did you see this recent thread (whilst for Leap 15.5) that may help?

But if compiling a module, assuming your not running secure boot, kernel-default-devel, make gcc/gcc-c++ should be enough

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See Building additional (external) modules

correct, secure boot has been turned off @malcolmlewis but i did not have kernel-default-devel or its dependencies installed. will report back soon

thank you

@malcolmlewis thank you again, i was able to build the module successfully… I’m very grateful for your help

I’m running into a subsequent issue… the module loads at startup, and i need to rmmod (unload) it and insmod (reload) it with the correct resolution. lsmod shows the module v4l2loopback_dc used by 1 program, and rmmod gives an error saying the module is in use.

I think the correct question to ask is: how can i discover which programs are using a given module?

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