I need help making OpenSUSE less painful when it comes to fonts etc. I’ve had daily headache for a while now and I believe it is how OpenSUSE renders fonts.
I was wondering if anyone had any good ways of making for instance firefox fonts a bit more readable. Browsing this forum makes my eyes want to kill themselves, because of the fonts being so awful.
Basicly it is firefox which is the problem. I have tried to use Konqueror (fonts are 2104812546121 times more readable there) but it didn’t work for me. (couldn’t make middle mouse button to a scrolling thing so I didn’t have to wear out the mouse wheel, and I’m generally more comfortable with firefox).
Any suggestions on how to make fonts in firefox less headache-y?
Firefox has its own settings-module (‘Configure’ → ‘Settings’? Running a german FF here, sorry…), within the ‘content’-tab you’ll find options for fonts and colours.
Also the font size is too small. You can set a minimum size in FF preferences or use the CTRL + (keys CTRL and ‘+’) shortcut to increase font size. There are also the CTRL - (decrease size) and CTRL 0 (reset size) combinations.