Hi, am trying to make a liveUSB(my DVD drive run out monthes ago), I use this iso image:
I just cp the file in the iso into the usb, and cp the
L : \boot\x86_64\loader*.* into my usb, mv the isolinux.cfg into syslinux
and run with syslinux command to install the bootloader.
and boot with my usb drive,get Error:
Loading device nodes with udev
Boot logging started on.
No devices matches MBR identifier: 0x5b265f15
reboot Exception: error console at Alt - F3/F4
Need Help !
thankyou !
it is easy to install the windows vista from usb
just run two command “xcopy” and “bootsect”
I am trying to find out that linux can be the same easy to install. waiting.
hey there… im having the same problem to install opensuse on my netbook… i generate the usb live following the steps on Live USB stick - openSUSE (on windows), but it didnt work… i’ve got the same message “no devices matches mbr identifier”
i have no idea where or how to use this “dd” command… can someone please help me?
Using dd in windows
you should take care about which device is like the "/dev/sdb’ in linux instead of “/dev/sdb1”
so, usually, we “dd if=/path/file of=\?\Device\DRx bs=4M” the x here for 0 1 2 or 3
Before you do dd operation, you have to use diskpart to clean the whole usb drive
diskpart>list disk
for example, the disk 3 is your usb drive
diskpart>select disk 3
then go to dd ~ good luck