Need guidance

Greets all,

I am on 11.1 that was installed from the live cd and is updated through yast. I have a Game-Elements Recoil usb game pad and while I plug it in it does work out of the box. But, while it does work, it doesn’t work very good. What I am experiencing is that x,y axis on the analog sticks reach their full value of either -32678 or +32678 way too fast. The max is reached about half way through its physical track from center to fully tilted in one direction. I hope that makes sense. When I plug it is viewed as a Jess Tech GGE909 PC Recoil Pad.

jscal does nothing. I have also found that there is a joystick driver for the Xserver (man joystick) and I have tried this route changing the MapAxis1 value down to 0.5 no difference. I have also attempted following the directions and using the hal demon for hotplugging the driver into the xorg server. But I have no way of knowing that hald is telling the x server anything and if it is that the x server is doing anything with it(nothing is showing up in any logs). I have had the hal demon dump its log to the syslog and it was spam central but found no evidence of it using the fdi file I placed in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty or that it was telling the x server anything. But I have taken the liberty of dropping down the init level 3 and then brining it back to run level 5 while the game pad was plugged in to make sure that the x server saw the device and loaded the input driver for it. Availed nothing.

Is this a hardware problem that cannot be fixed or is there something some how some where that I can edit or do and configure the axis on this game pad?