The problem is that the dark gray print on a light gray or blue background is difficult to read. I am using the default Oxygen Decorations and Air Theme that is the default.
My old eyes need more contrast between background and object. Larger print would also help. I have adjusted the monitor contrast and brightness settings but that is not enough.
Can someone point me in the right direction to get better readability in all applications?
Thank you for the suggestion. I am having trouble getting new Themes and Window Decorations to download on #3 (see signature), which is my wife’s computer. Both were recently upgraded from 1`3.2 to 42.2.
The main difference between #1 and #3 is that #1 was upgraded while #3 was a clean installation. #1 works fine but #3 has some problems.
My first attempt to get better readability on #3 was to increase the print size and color in Kontact Kmail:
Kontact > Mail > Settings > Configure Kmail > Fonts
On #1, I can change everything at will. On #3, I cannot change the anything pertaining to the Message List. The first time I tried, I got a notice that qt4 manager could not be found and was probably not installed. After the first attempt, all Message List font options are grayed out and not available on #3.
How do I correct this? Is it a bug or have I done something wrong?
my old eyes too, so I createt my own icons for system tray:-)
if you use air uncompress and copy this
and at least the system tray icons will be visible
or copy the theme you are using from /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/the_name_of_your_theme
and color the icons you like with inkscape
ciao, pier