Yesterday I got my “Mobile Wireless Dongle” HUAWEI E1762.
(for those living in OZ, the network provider is TPG)
I activated it via “Network Manager”, a little bit of guessing and comparing the settings with the windows installation guide and it worked “out-of-the-box” so to speak !!lol!
Great work (!!!) the guys writing the “Network Manager” have done !:good:
Since mobile surfing is expensive and not wanting to exceed my limit…
What would be a good Network usage/statistics tracking tool ?
I would suggest using your providers web page in the first instance to
see traffic usage as that’s what the will base the billing on
You are right ! That is the easiest and accurate way.
I configured Ktrafficanalyser to start automatically. It has its problems by loosing the interface config when switching off the mobile broad band.
…however it gives some indication.