ndiswrapper problems

Hello, i read the how to on … how to install my wmp54g in the tips and tricks section… but it seems that thread is dead… anyways im a huge newb, but i did learn how to extract ndiswrapper etc… or maybe i didnt because im having some problems… first of all
when i type make uninstall …some stuff comes up and at the end it says not all files may have been deleted or whatever… anyways then i type make and it says i think something about bad command or something with my kernel source… im dual booting and havn’t written it down and im sorry for that in advanced. i did install kernel-source and gcc and make… but it seems as if something went wrong in the kernel source install… only because i get that message during the “make” command… and again… im really really new to linux and all these years using windows it seems as if i need my hand held through everything. thanks guys and apologies for long post of course.

I have a sample procedure that i installed broadcom wireless driver by ndiswrapper as following link.
Bryan technical world: How to use NDISwrapper to install Broadcom wireless driver of IdeaPad S10 on openSUSE 11

Why not use the ndiswrapper that comes on the install media ? or did you use the livecd to install ? I always recommend using the dvd for install,as most of the stuff you will need to get up & running is already there,whereas using the livecd,there is very little on the disc


I agree with deltaflyer44; if you have any connectivity, you should just set up the default repositories in YAST and get the SuSE-specific version of ndiswrapper from there (“Install new software”). It will work out of the box, no compiling needed.