so im trying to run this application with wine of course. ive installed the most common windows libraries i can think of using q4wine. also googling ive seen people saying that the installer doesnt work and you have to paste the the files from a naver line windows installation.

yet, i have the following errors at startup:

CommLib.dll is a dll thats in the installed folder. registering the DLL, even copied to system32 but this is what i get:

Z:\home\audric>regsvr32 "C:\windows\system32\CommLib.dll"
Failed to load DLL C:\windows\system32\CommLib.dll

Z:\home\audric>regsvr32 "C:\Programs Files (x86)\Naver\LINE\CommLib.dll"
Failed to load DLL C:\Programs Files (x86)\Naver\LINE\CommLib.dll