Hello, I have recently disabled nautilus from showing up on my desktop.
Now I can’t seem to start nautilus. Starting it from gnome-terminal doesn’t display anything, and it never shows, and it never terminates.
The way I disabled nautilus from showing up on my desktop was by following Xmonad/Using xmonad in Gnome - HaskellWiki
Are you including the path to the folder?
nautilus /path/to/folder
I just tried that and it still resulted in the same behavior.
Also, I realized that my ipod doesn’t get automounted, since rhythmbox doesn’t display it now, but it did before I had this problem.
nautilus --no-desktop /path/to/folder
Also, I realized that my ipod doesn’t get automounted, since rhythmbox doesn’t display it now, but it did before I had this problem.
Well, you’ve killed the Nautilus. I don’t know if Xmonad supports auto-mounting. ‘mount’ will handle this for you. Try
mount /dev/<ipoddevice> /media/ipod
For the <ipoddevice>, use ‘fdisk -l.’
The instructions indicate it’s not necessary to stop Nautilus. You could try it both ways.
Didn’t work.
Also, I only disabled nautilus using the command:
gconftool --type boolean --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false
I didn’t actually install xmonad.
I got tired looking into the issue so I just did
rm -r .gconf*
and everything worked without a problem the next time I restarted.