Naming (Build)Requirs for different distributions

Hello and thanks for helping:
I don’t understand following: my dcmtk spec has a openSUSE package as dependency: zlib-devel

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libxml2-devel libpng-devel libtiff-devel zlib-devel

The Mandrake-repository sames the package zlib1-devel, anyway it works: why?

Does the OBS automatically translate packagenames where it’s needed and ins able to do that? (That’s important I believe to know)

Does that fit to fedora-packages too? (qt4, cups …)

Actually my specs would be the same for all rpm-based distros hoping that I need not to write 5-8 different specs and handling them

Thanks for any tip!

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I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think it does translate on the fly.
For my build (darkice) to work on RHEL, SLES, and OpenSUSE I added a
BuildRequires section. A snippet of that part of the .spec file follows:

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ alsa-devel libvorbis-devel

%if %{?sles_version}
BuildRequires: libjack-devel

%if %{?suse_version}
BuildRequires: libjack-devel

%if %{?fedora_version}
BuildRequires: jack-audio-connection-kit-devel

Good luck.

Vrenn wrote:
> Hello and thanks for helping:
> I don’t understand following: my dcmtk spec has a openSUSE package as
> dependency: zlib-devel
> BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libxml2-devel libpng-devel libtiff-devel
> zlib-devel
> The Mandrake-repository sames the package zlib1-devel, anyway it works:
> why?
> Does the OBS automatically translate packagenames where it’s needed and
> ins able to do that? (That’s important I believe to know)
> Does that fit to fedora-packages too? (qt4, cups …)
> Actually my specs would be the same for all rpm-based distros hoping
> that I need not to write 5-8 different specs and handling them
> Thanks for any tip!
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sles_version, suse_version, fedora_version…
Where do I get a syntax of these distributiontags?

I noticed that libtiff-devel was also renamed ore somehow to Mandriva’s libtiff3-devel ?!?

but at libopenssl-devel fedora gives up :frowning:

It wasn’t easy to find but as I searched now with your syntax I found following :slight_smile:
Build Service/cross distribution package how to - openSUSE

Thanks for your help, that’s what I wanted. When the installation of fedora is finished in my virtual box I’ll adjust the Buldrequrements.