mysql-workbench doesn't start

I installed openSuse Tumbleweed, and it is up to date.
I installed mysql-workbench version 8.0.19-1.1 from Main Repository (OSS) without any problem.
But mysql-workbench doesn’t start.
Konsole view:

adrian@octans:~> mysql-workbench
method return time=1595027548.382266 sender=:1.84 -> destination=:1.83 serial=5 repl
   string "<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0
<!-- GDBus 2.64.4 -->
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties">
    <method name="Get">
      <arg type="s" name="interface_name" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="s" name="property_name" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="v" name="value" direction="out"/>
    <method name="GetAll">
      <arg type="s" name="interface_name" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="a{sv}" name="properties" direction="out"/>
    <method name="Set">
      <arg type="s" name="interface_name" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="s" name="property_name" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="v" name="value" direction="in"/>
    <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
      <arg type="s" name="interface_name"/>
      <arg type="a{sv}" name="changed_properties"/>
      <arg type="as" name="invalidated_properties"/>
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
    <method name="Introspect">
      <arg type="s" name="xml_data" direction="out"/>
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer">
    <method name="Ping"/>
    <method name="GetMachineId">
      <arg type="s" name="machine_uuid" direction="out"/>
  <interface name="org.gnome.keyring.InternalUnsupportedGuiltRiddenInterface">
    <method name="ChangeWithMasterPassword">
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="(oayays)" name="original" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="(oayays)" name="master" direction="in"/>
    <method name="ChangeWithPrompt">
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="o" name="prompt" direction="out"/>
    <method name="CreateWithMasterPassword">
      <arg type="a{sv}" name="attributes" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="(oayays)" name="master" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="out"/>
    <method name="UnlockWithMasterPassword">
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="(oayays)" name="master" direction="in"/>
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.Secret.Service">
    <method name="OpenSession">
      <arg type="s" name="algorithm" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="v" name="input" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="v" name="output" direction="out"/>
      <arg type="o" name="result" direction="out"/>
    <method name="CreateCollection">
      <arg type="a{sv}" name="properties" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="s" name="alias" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="out"/>
      <arg type="o" name="prompt" direction="out"/>
    <method name="SearchItems">
      <arg type="a{ss}" name="attributes" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="ao" name="unlocked" direction="out"/>
      <arg type="ao" name="locked" direction="out"/>
    <method name="Unlock">
      <arg type="ao" name="objects" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="ao" name="unlocked" direction="out"/>
      <arg type="o" name="prompt" direction="out"/>
    <method name="Lock">
      <arg type="ao" name="objects" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="ao" name="locked" direction="out"/>
      <arg type="o" name="Prompt" direction="out"/>
    <method name="LockService"/>
    <method name="ChangeLock">
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="o" name="prompt" direction="out"/>
    <method name="GetSecrets">
      <arg type="ao" name="items" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="o" name="session" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="a{o(oayays)}" name="secrets" direction="out"/>
    <method name="ReadAlias">
      <arg type="s" name="name" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="out"/>
    <method name="SetAlias">
      <arg type="s" name="name" direction="in"/>
      <arg type="o" name="collection" direction="in"/>
    <signal name="CollectionCreated">
      <arg type="o" name="collection"/>
    <signal name="CollectionDeleted">
      <arg type="o" name="collection"/>
    <signal name="CollectionChanged">
      <arg type="o" name="collection"/>
    <property type="ao" name="Collections" access="read"/>
  <node name="collection"/>
Found /usr/lib64/

I don’t know what this mean.

Can somebody help me?

Thank you in advance.

Adrián E. Córdoba

I don’t see antything that’s useful to me…
Your stdout simply reports some activity without flagging anything as an error or a failure.

I guess I’d want to ask you…
Will you be connecting to MariaDB or MySQL?
Have you run the security configuration script? There a few questions in there that are essential for using MySQL-Workbench… IIRC (may not be complete) you have to set the MySQL root password, You have to enable remote access (not limited to Unix socket connections)

What Desktop are you running?
Verifying that this is a brand new install, and although you said the system is updated, remember to run a “zypper dup” before any major change to your system, like installing new applications.

I may be able to take a closer look at this later, particularly if someone wouldn’t already have posted something useful.


I have mariaDB properly installed and working. I have created a database without problem.
MySQL-workbench doesn’t start. (No connection to the database has been established yet.)
I’m running KDE Plasma 5.19.3.

Thank you, very much.

Adrián E. Córdoba

I tried to reproduce the issue:

hendrik@schleppi:~> mysql-workbench 
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files
Found /usr/lib64/
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>:<exec_prefix>]
ImportError: No module named site

I guess this is worth a bug report; obviously a python problem, but I’m no python expert.


export PYTHONHOME=/usr/lib/python3.8/

solves not all problems:

hendrik@schleppi:~> export PYTHONHOME=/usr/lib/python3.8/
hendrik@schleppi:~> mysql-workbench 
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files
Found /usr/lib64/
ImportError: No module named site

I resolved that problen by installing gnome-keyring package.

I installed and was able to inspect the full log which included quite a bit before what you posted in the first post of this Forum Thread and helped understand what you posted…
But, it’s a bunch of unrelated info related to opening a Gnome session and shouldn’t be related to invoking mysql-workbench.

I think this is just broken for the moment,
Recommend creating a bug report at

Be sure to include your openSUSE/TW version which can be displayed by

cat /etc/os-release


I am having exactly the same issue, also in Tumbleweed, but I had already installed gnome-keyring and still not working, any other suggestion? Thanks

Mine work in Tumbleweed, make sure you have gnome-keyring, libsecret, libproj installed and PYTHONPATH env variable exported, usually point to PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib64/python2.7/, workbench doesn’t work with python 3.x only 2.7…