MySQL doesn't want to start with systemd


Since I just reconfigured my server from openSuSE 11.4 to 12.2 (a fresh install), and now MySQL refuses to start up.
The system boots up with systemd as its init process, and for some reason the necessary unit files to start MySQL are not present. Any recommendations on what to do now?
Switching back to System V init should be the last option to do - so the question is how I have to set up the unit file necessary for launching MySQL…

I had backed up all relevant directories beforehand and replayed everything so resuming normal operation should be possible…

How did you install MySQL?
If you want to use the one included in openSUSE, you have to have the package “mysql-community-server” installed.
It is true that there is no systemd unit file, but systemd also supports to use the old sysvinit init scripts. (and there are also wrappers for the old sysvinit commands)

You can start it with

sudo systemctl start mysql


sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

To make it start on every boot you would type:

sudo systemctl enable mysql


sudo chkconfig mysql on

You could also use YaST->System Services (Runlevels) for that

Thanks for the info.
I just don’t know why, but all the sudden launching MySQL worked (I don’t know what could have gone on there before, but somehow the problem seems to have fixed itself… boggle)