myspell-korean not available - Any ideas?

Hello everyone,

I’m working on the Korean localization of an open source project using Poedit, which supports the myspell dictionaries. Unfortunately I can’t find a Korean myspell dictionary that could be used with Leap 42.2: There’s none in the default repos (probably the package name would be “myspell-kr”). I found an RPM for opensuse 13.X on but unfortunately this can’t be installed due to many dependency conflicts (and it seems that the format used by myspell changed when comparing the files in /usr/share/myspell with the files provided by this package).

I’d really like to use myspell-korean with Poedit, so does anyone have an idea how I could solve this?

Thanks in advance and kind regards


I solved this by myself, which was quite easy actually: I downloaded the Debian package from and then put the files into the according directories (except /var/lib/dictionaries-common/hunspell/hunspell-ko, this directory doesn’t exist on openSUSE). After having done so I was able to use the Korean dictionary with LibreOffice.

I’ll try to forward this to someone who is involved in maintaining the myspell package for openSUSE so that the Korean dictionary can be added to the openSUSE repo.

Next time you can install and try the “alien” app, which automates what you just did manually(extract the contents of a Debian package and do a best guess install)
When it works.


I don’t have good experiences with alien. Also I don’t know what it would do with the file where it wouldn’t be able to find the directory (the file is not needed anyway). I don’t see any reason for using alien if a package fulfills the criteria for being added to the openSUSE repos. So I’ll request maintainership in the devel project, build the package and hopefully it will be added to the repo.

Kind regards
