My Recent Document Widget

Hi, I need My Recent Document Widget, how can I find and download this widget?

any answer?

no one?:sarcastic:

What is your desktopn environment KDE or GNOME, XFCE, other?

> Hi, I need My Recent Document Widget, how can I find and download this
> widget?

usually you could FIND it by using Google, except no one on earth
seems to know what a “My Recent Document Widget” is, except you…



I’s KDE 4. I searched in “Add Widget” but there is nothing like that.
In the earlier versions of KDE 4 there was a Recent Doc Widget, but now I cant find it. I also looked for in but I cant find.

Why not add the folder view widget and set it to /home/username/kde4/share/apps/RecentDocuments folder should do the same thing

Thanx man :wink: