My profile: You may not post attachments

So, i’m no VIP (Very important poster) i suppose.:open_mouth:

Wanted to attach a /var/log/message, i wasn’t allowed.

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Do I have to proof my passion for openSuSE to get the permission :confused:

Regards, user2304.

IIRC attachments are disabled for users with low post counts, in order to stop spambots

(correct me if I’m wrong on that)

You can host images and text on external sites and link us to it

Ok, i’ll try this the next time.


Over 2000 is not low, yet it says I may not post attachments…

You mean it will not let you upload a file?

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That’s what it says to me, sniff (tears moistening keyboard).
And even so, sniff even harder, I don’t have a file to upload…:wink:

I raise this in the Mod section

didn’t i read that all users with ID’s beginning with K or ending in
304 were programatically excluded from posting attachments??


No, you read: aged or weighing 304 (no matter what unit).

From our admin

except for the screen shot forum, we have all attachments disabled

so we could avoid malicious attachments that could pose a danger to our forum users, and second because a proliferation of attachments could have a severe impact on our file system. Since there are many file hosting sites that can be pointed to, that’s what we suggest people use.

Clear statement. I’ll pick up my tissues and get back to work again…:wink: