my problem with mount and other things in in OS11.1 x86_64

So I’ve recently made the switch from Kubuntu 32-bit to OpenSuSE 64-bit, and I’ve got to say, I’m quite happy :). However, before doing so, I did a raw disk dump with dd of my old install and stored it on my external drive. Now I’m attempting to retrieve my data from my external, but I can’t mount my first partition from my disk image using the offset=(X) option for mount. However, this same exact command works perfectly on my netbook running Kubuntu.
So I’m wondering if this is a problem with the 32/64-bit difference or it’s a distro issue with mount.

Also, does anyone know how to get plasma in KDE to disappear with full screen video but stay visible for everything else?

Any and all help will be appreciated…thanks for your time.

Have you tried a loopback mount?

mount -o loop,ro -t ext3 /data/diskimage /some/mount/point

Yes, it was done with the loop module on both systems. Also, I’ve been getting over 50% CPU usage on knotify4 on my OpenSuSE installation. Is this a known bug?

sorry for the double post, but i’ve got another problem too…Why is it that compiz runs smoother on Kubuntu than it does on OpenSuSE?

bumpity bump