My NTFS drives are not being shown in dolphin

I’m not able to access my windows drives (ntfs-3g) from opensuse. they’re not displayed in dolphin, and i’m not able to open them form my computer. please help

Did you have the drives in the system whenyou installed openSUSE? If you had them in when it asked you about the partitions you did not mount them or it didn’t see them. I know of one way to mout them and that is open Yast and go to the Partitioner tool and open it up it should see your drivers. Now the only thing you are going to do is mout the drives. Click once on the drive and then click edit. Then make sure you do nothing but click the mount button and give it a mout point something like this (/Windows/C /Windows/D) some thing like that then click ok and then finish. If I rember right yu will have to reboot but I’m not sure about the reboot.

Now to beable to write to the drive you will have to install a tool called NTFS Configuration Tool this one is real simple to use.

Hi and welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Please do in terminal as post output:

su -
fdisk -l

On 2010-10-02 06:06, adarshajoisa wrote:
> I’m not able to access my windows drives (ntfs-3g) from opensuse.
> they’re not displayed in dolphin, and i’m not able to open them form my
> computer. please help

Were they properly closed the last time you used them in windows?

If you did not, linux will refuse to open them (the journal has pending operations). You have to
open them in windows, close them properly, then try in linux.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

Check in Personal Settings Removable Devices if your Ntfs drivers are checked up on “Automount AutoLogin” And “Automount on Attach”.