Congratulations there brucecadieux, your new computer system sounds VERY impressive to me. It looks like you made some very good selections for your PC.
The only performance issue I have is speed. You see it is extremely fast and I love those kinds of issues
In all seriousness, no there are no performance issues at all.
I already had openSUSE installed on the hard drives in RAID0. I swapped out the motherboard, processor, memory, plugged in the video card and hard drives. Turned on the power and all was good, everything worked perfectly without changing a single setting other then when KDE asked if I wanted to forget the old sound card. I answered yes forget the other sound card and that was it, not a single thing about openSUSE had to be changed.
I love all the new memory, the system is taking advantage of it via caching, and I am loving it.
A note about the edit … I was commenting 'bout the Ubuntu stone age software upstream policy, and at first blush my comment appeared to apply to nlsthzn’s rig ! Caused some interesting confusing until sorted. I say this as I type from a 9 year old athlon-1100 with a nVidia FX5200 graphic card.
nlsthzn AWESOME system… was having a discussion on IRC when I mentioned that my Q6600 with 4GB RAM and a 8800GT card flies in Linux regardless of what distro I run, on which oldcpu commented it is ancient… and looking at that rig I have to agree
Curse you Linux for making my PC fast enough I don’t notice it is slow!
You know Niel, the Q6600 is still a very nice CPU & the nVidia 8800GT is no slouch. It is good to be able to afford a faster machine, but there is nothing wrong with that setup. I have had an opportunity to compile the latest kernels on several machines and the Q6600 is still in the middle of the pack if you include laptops. I have not been able to try all Intel or AMD chips, but a good selection that included the latest Intel i7’s. Surely, if you had a chance you would upgrade, but don’t lose any sleep over your performance right now.
We were all having fun on IRC chat, and my views about another distro’s software upstream policy was typed at the same time as nlsthzn’s rig mention - which lead to a rather unintended interpetation. Fortunately it was all sorted in the end !
We were all having fun on IRC chat, and my views about another distro’s software upstream policy was typed at the same time as nlsthzn’s rig mention - which lead to a rather unintended interpetation. Fortunately it was all sorted in the end !
I see oldcpu. Well, I wish my work laptop was as fast as a Q6600. Compiling the latest kernel on my Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz laptop takes 48 minutes, compared to a Q6600 (2.4 GHz?) desktop at 23 minutes. Of course the fastest i7’s can do it under 10 minutes, but 48 minutes seems a little long to me. I can say that no one at work cares too much about my speed concerns there. lol!
I fully agree that my rig is still fast enough… the Core Duo Intel chips really raised the bar for processing power and I am not looking to upgrade anything for some time to come… however there is no denying how uber powerful the latest batch of processors and graphics cards are… wow… Won’t mind me the kind of processing power that needs 16GB of fast RAM to keep it occupied at 100%
My desktop rig pales in the shadow of your’ monsters: 2003 Gateway E Series small desktop format, with single-core 2.4 Ghz no hyper-threading P4 pimped out with 1 Gig Ram,Intel Brookdale Chipset including sound and video integrated chips, 40 gig Western Digital Hard Drive added in Lite-On Dvd unit. All this power running Open Suse Gnome 11.3 perfectly with no glitches and easy full screen Flash. When desktop is just sitting Suse takes between 2 and 8 percent of CPU and 138megs of my memory! The most for the least resources on this unit:beats Mandriva and PC Linux for efficiency! Hearty greetings to all you lizards!
I don’t usually upgrade hardware that often, maybe every 4 or 5 years, and when I do I try to make a machine that will fit my needs not only today but in the future, being that future hardware requiremnents are hard to pin down, I try and guess what will be needed and the go beyond that. Future proof if there is such a realistic term
I use it for my small business, a couple databases, mythbackend/mythfrontend serving HD content via mythtv to several other computers on my network, I use it for video editing and photo editing, video encoding, and many other tasks.
It also serves and stores files for several other computers on my network.
Yep it is overkill for my needs today, but I am sure in years to come it won’t be overkill but will just be an everyday average desktop.
Thanks for the reply, just being nosey. You know. I only know of 3 or 4 3D windows games even make use of 3 or 4 processors ? …
Being the cheapsake that I am, this is the first year I regret not taking advantage of an upgrade path.
Like you I wait until my hardware warrants an upgrade other than for the Windoze OS. I should’ve upgraded on a quad core cpu/mb sale about 9 months ago which was selling at 1/2 the price of the cpu’s price today. Well, memory costs seem to falling again.