I was browsing the net and I can’t exactly remember what triggerd it, but I clicked on something and now my mouse is humping the top of the screen.
Its a Dell Premium USB 5 button mouse.
When I try to move it down, it moves up so quickly I cannot use it at all. :’(
I tried shutting down and plugging in my trusty ps2 keyboard with nipple. Same problem.
The Mouse works fine on my OS11 laptop with GNOME so its not the mouse.
This baffles me how it happened to decide on its own to stop working. I wasn’t messing with yast or a cfg file(a bad habit of mine) so WTF?
I was running pidgin, networkmangaer, firefox, vmware server, compiz-fusion, and konsole# top.
LOL one more thing, as I’m writing this I started playing with the ps2 nipple/keyboard on my desktop(the mouse is on the laptop), the cursor isn’t doing it anymore!?!?
I’m going to check this post anyway, its a pretty major problem when it happens. Has anyone else had this problem.
> I was browsing the net and I can’t exactly remember what triggerd it,
> but I clicked on something and now my mouse is humping the top of the
> screen.
> <snip>
I cannot answer your question, but it sounds a lot like a problem I have
from time to time. I am using a KVM switch box. If I should reboot a
machine and stick around to watch the boot messages (for one reason or
another), switch to another machine, and then come back to the one I just
booted, the mouse will go absolutely crazy, much like your description.
After a few seconds of heavy movement and random clicks, I can get it to
start working normally again (although the damage caused to the desktop and
any open windows still needs to be repaired). But if I switch away and
come back to that machine, the same thing will happen all over again!
My only explanation is that the mouse signals somehow get out of sync, and
are interpretted inappropriately by the “driver”. I can sometimes get it
back in sync by unplugging the mouse for a moment and plugging it back it
in, but this is terribly inconvenient.
So far, I have not found any permanent solution other than to reboot the
machine and quickly switch away from it (before anything graphical gets
displayed). Once the login screen has appeared, however, it is safe to
return, and the problem never occurs, no matter how many times I switch
away and come back to that machine.
Well I’m not on a KVM, so I’m not sure we have the same problem.
Re-boot also had no effect on my system.
Yes, I did change teletype, and back. Same problem. I did try using sax2 in this mode and sax2 had the same problem(just ‘sax2’ no operands). I changed some mouse settings to no effect this way, and also tried messing with my mouse driver in ncurses yast from the teletype. None of those worked.
It will be hard to diagnose this until it happens again, I hope it dose not come to that.
It seemed to work after I had my ps2 and usb mouse in, then un-plugged my usb mouse.