Hello All,
I am having a weird problem with my system. I have been using openSUSE Leap 42.2 for about one month, no problems whatsoever, until about two days ago. Without any preliminary warnings or problems, my openSUSE installation can not access the internet. But it is not just that simple. My applications such as Firefox and Thunderbird and Chrome can not access the internet but I can update the system.
I am dual booting with Windows 10 and there is no problem with Windows 10. The equipment:
Asus Z97-A motherboard
Intel Haswell i5 4690 CPU
Evga Supernova 550 PSU
There are no other problems with my computer and there were no electrical outages or anything. I have not physically messed with any components lately. Just out of a clear blue sky the internet is inaccessible on my openSUSE. The only thing that I have done to try to correct it is to disable the firewall, but that had no effect.
Sorry to say that it didn’t work. I tried that command as sudo a couple of times, rebooted and still no internet access. Right now I am on the same computer except using my Windows 10 installation, and there is still no internet access on my openSUSE installation. This has been going on now for 3 days.
Thank you for trying, but both of those commands returned the same response;
“connect, can not connect.” or something like that.
So I want to fix this and I will try anything that I can, but my question is why would something like this happen out of a clear blue sky without any warning? What is wrong that requires all this code?
I could not figure out how to copy and paste the results, so here is a link to the output. Also, even though I am dual booting on the same computer and the internet still works perfectly at 150 mbps on my Windows 10 installation, I still unplugged and reset the modem a couple of times in the last few days.
Hello All,
Since I already had three separate SSDs installed in my computer, I went ahead and installed Ubuntu Mate 17.04 on a spare SSD. Now I am triple booting and the internet works perfectly in Ubuntu and Windows, but still nothing in openSUSE. I will mess around with my openSUSE installation for another day or so but if I can’t get my internet to work I will just delete it from the SSD that it is on. (I only run one distro per SSD.)
I am still very confused why this would happen out of a clear blue sky with no hardware failure or any electrical glitches, and only effect one installation.
I am even more confused now. I just logged into my openSUSE installation, and the internet is working. It did not work for a total of 4 days, and after I installed Ubuntu to a completely different SSD, my openSUSE has complete internet access. I just checked the speed and it is 120 mbps, which is exactly what I would expect on a hot, busy Sunday afternoon.
So it still leaves the mystery of what happened and what caused it. Since I am no Linux Guru, I will leave this system installed for now but with a dubious eye.
In the past it has been observed that with some hardware Windows may leave the NIC in an odd state which is not cleared with a warm boot but a cold boot should clear it. Also assuming you use wicked and hardwired you may try NetworkManager. You can switch using yast
As gogalthorp already mentioned, similar behaviour has been reported previously. In particular, a possible candidate that has been known to cause issues like this is the WoL feature when enabled in the Windows Intel driver eg https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=191981
Thank you. I do not know that much about drivers and all that, but I appreciate every bodies help in this matter and I will do some more reading in order to understand more.
I am still happily entrenched in my openSUSE, so if I have any other urgent questions or issues, I will post back.
Couldn’t tell if the lost connectivity is on a wired Enet or Wi-Fi. If Wi-Fi, the problem could be lack of a kernel driver. After the latest kernel update I lost Wi-Fi. On rebooting, the display reported no firmware available, specifically iwlwifi. Turns out that drivers now are distributed in a package separate from the kernel. From Yast I installed the driver package and Wi-Fi appeared again–MAGIC!