I’m having a problem playing music in Amarok 2.3, although it worked fine in Amarok 2.0 and still works fine in Amarok 1.4 which I can still run.
Firstly, when I start Amarok 2.3, it displays an error message saying that no support for MP3 files is installed, and asks if I would like to install it now. It then says that support for MP3 has been successfully installed. But when I try to play a track, nothing happens, nothing. It doesn’t even try to play it.
I have another thread here, regarding multimedia settings: Multimedia - Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so - openSUSE Forums, but not sure if it is related.
I’d love to get Amarok 2.3 working, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,