So I am very new to Linux, although about a hundred years ago I used unix in university. I’m trying to get Elisa set up as a music player. I store my music on an smb/nfs share on my unraid server. I’m using dolphin as a file manager and can open my music folder in that. However, Elisa doesn’t seem to want to connect to the music share. The music share is public (within my home network). I suspect it has to do with the may the music share is mounted (or not).
Anyone can help me here? Does Elisa not use music stored on an smb/nfs share?
Hi and welcome to the forum!
I don’t use Elisa. Anyway, to get some useful help here you should share some more information. How do you mount the share? In a console, please show the output of mount. Please use code tags “preformatted text”.
How is it “shared”? As you say “smb/nfs” share, these are totally different things. smb is only needed if Windows/Samba is involved. If you don’t need it, go for nfs only. That’s generic Linux.
I don’t know unraid servers. Can you show a file /etc/exports from the server?
There may be a permissions issue. smb doesn’t support UNIX/Linux permssions.
If you have mounted nfs shares to your file system it’s used like a lokal folder, no need to “connect”.
Others may ask for more information.
I say smb/nfs because the share is exposed both as an smb share and as an nfs share. I suspect that the whole issue is that I don’t know how to mount an smb (or NFS) share in Linux. I don’t think this is a permissions issue as the music share is “public” and no credentials seem to be needed at least for dolphin to connect to the share.
In dolphin I can see the share and it is “mounted” in the sense that I can browse the share and so forth. However, I think that I remember there is something weird about dolphin in that it only temporarily mounts things, so I don’t know.
I guess I’m too used to the windows way of doing things and don’t even know enough to ask a coherent question.
That’s why I have asked for more information. People here need to see the “reality”. Then we can help.
If you say you don’t know how to mount the share, how can it be “mounted” then? If it is available as nfs, you can use YaST to mount it. It’s very comfortable and comes close to the Redmont way.
First, choose or create an empty folder in you /home/user/ folder. This must be your target as mount point. Normally following the instructions of the YaST-nfs-client module should be enough to get it properly mounted.
If you then use the file manager and open the /mnt/NAS folder you will see the contents of the disc(s) in your NAS.
Of course you need to use the correct IP-address and the name of the disc inside the NAS but I hope you know how to address it.
This way of doing things makes use of the automount instruction which works great. When the NAS is off or not connected to your computer nothing happens, only when it is connected you can open the folder /mnt/NAS and use the contents of the NAS disc.
In Elisa you can now add the folder /mnt/NAS as the place where your music is stored.