
Im just wondering how to run roms in mupen64, Its all via the terminal?

Hello tadcrazio,

Not sure how it goes with mupen64 but I think it’s equal to mupen64plus.
Just run the command:

mupen64 /<path>/<to>/<rom file>

If this doesn’t work you can read the man pages of mupen64 by running this command:

man mupen64

It should contain information about how to run a rom.

Best of luck!:wink:

Well maybe i don’t have it installed right, when i type in man mupen64 it doesnt work. I did have the mupen help menu up before but didn’t find it much help.
I tried running a rom like this:
anthony@linux-75uw:~> mupen64 /<home/downloads>/<to>/<Mario Kart 64 (USA).zip>
(also without the <>) but still no luck. Any suggestions?

Hello tadcrazio,

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.
You need to change the /<path>/<to>/<rom file> with the real path.
So if you got the rom in /home/downloads/Rom.rom you need to run this command:

mupen64 /home/downloasd/Rom.rom

Also I’m not sure mupen64 automatically unpacks the zip and runs the containing rom files.
I think you need to unpack the zip first and then try it again.

And why the man page didn’t work I don’t know.
Maybe mupen64 hasn’t got any man pages?

Best of luck!:wink:


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