Yes, a very confusing situation where the OP seems to use a quite different language from what we are used to. :frowning:

Will be a bit difficult to disentangle this.

Just a start to get back into bug searching. And trying to drive odd the fog a bit.

Can you please show us which users you have in your system?

cat /etc/passwd
**localhost:/home/ANKER #** cat /etc/passwd 
systemd-network:x:485:485:systemd Network Management:/:/usr/sbin/nologin 
systemd-timesync:x:484:484:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/usr/sbin/nologin 
messagebus:x:483:483:User for D-Bus:/run/dbus:/usr/sbin/nologin 
mysql:x:60:60:MySQL database admin:/var/lib/mysql:/usr/sbin/nologin 
polkitd:x:482:482:User for polkitd:/var/lib/polkit:/usr/sbin/nologin 
scard:x:481:481:Smart Card Reader:/run/pcscd:/usr/sbin/nologin 
wsdd:x:480:480:User for wsdd:/run/wsdd:/usr/sbin/nologin 
tss:x:98:98:TSS daemon:/var/lib/tpm:/usr/sbin/nologin 
tftp:x:479:479:TFTP Account:/srv/tftpboot:/usr/sbin/nologin 
srvGeoClue:x:478:478:User for GeoClue D-Bus service:/var/lib/srvGeoClue:/usr/sbin/nologin 
pulse:x:476:476:PulseAudio daemon:/var/lib/pulseaudio:/usr/sbin/nologin 
man:x:13:62:Manual pages viewer:/var/lib/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin 
mail:x:475:475:Mailer daemon:/var/spool/clientmqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin 
lp:x:491:491:Printing daemon:/var/spool/lpd:/usr/sbin/nologin 
flatpak:x:474:474:Flatpak system helper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin 
rpc:x:470:470:User for rpcbind:/var/lib/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin 
nscd:x:469:469:User for nscd:/run/nscd:/usr/sbin/nologin 
avahi:x:468:468:User for Avahi:/run/avahi-daemon:/usr/sbin/nologin 
postfix:x:51:51:Postfix Daemon:/var/spool/postfix:/usr/sbin/nologin 
statd:x:466:466:NFS statd daemon:/var/lib/nfs:/usr/sbin/nologin 
chrony:x:465:465:Chrony Daemon:/var/lib/chrony:/usr/sbin/nologin 
sshd:x:464:464:SSH daemon:/var/lib/sshd:/usr/sbin/nologin 
usbmux:x:463:65533:usbmuxd daemon:/var/lib/usbmuxd:/sbin/nologin 
sddm:x:462:462:SDDM daemon:/var/lib/sddm:/usr/sbin/nologin 
vnc:x:461:461:user for VNC:/var/lib/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin 
nm-openvpn:x:460:460:NetworkManager user for OpenVPN:/var/lib/openvpn:/usr/sbin/nologin 
nm-openconnect:x:459:459:NetworkManager user for OpenConnect:/var/lib/nm-openconnect:/usr/sbin/nologin 
ANKER:x:1000:1000:Jan Christian A:/home/ANKER:/bin/bash 
**localhost:/home/ANKER #**

At the moment, I am working on a very big and urgent project, so I am sincerely sorry for any delay in answering. Thinking in English, taking phone calls in German, and replying to lawyers in Norwegian - all within 30 minutes -
is an interesting challenge.

Best regards and thanks for help and feedback,
Jan Christian

OK, thanks for posting /etc/passwd.

Now you can see how many users there are configured on your system, I count more then 30. However most of them are for internal use of certain system software and not really important to worry about them.
Important though are two of them:

  1. the first line defines user root with a GUID of 0;
  2. the last line defines user ANKER with a GUID of 1000.

This is quite normal! Thus our fear you have something special is only due to your way of expressing things.
My advice, please re-read what you said above about users used and try to understand why we were confused.
Also, try to understand what it means “to be root” (which is a very colloquial and inadequate expression, used by people who assume they talk to people that know what this means). Maybe also read:

Again, please try to understand that, for practical purposes, you have two (2) users on the system: root and ANKER.

Now both users normally have their own environment. And that environment includes the variables that make up the ‘locale’. An important one of those is LANG. Each user will have his/her own default for LANG. And you (like me) prefer while handling the system, and thus as user root, to have English as the language. In fact, this is not even English, but the name for it is POSIX in the system case. You choose that at system installation (or maybe later change that with YaST), but when you use English/POSIX, there is no need whatsoever to define a second language. The second language is only there when a translation is missing. And or English/POSIX there is no translatiion, thus nothing is missing.

For user ANKER this is different. He wants to see messages/menus/etc. expressed in Norwegian. As a KDE user, he defines that in the KDE System settings. And ANKER will thus get Norwegian, except when a translation fails. There will then be a fall-back to English.

From the SDB article I gave a link to above, you probably can learn that it is possible to “become root” but still having the user ANKERs environment. IMHO that is something to avoid (use su -, not su). But when it happens, your process (YaST in your case) will be owned by user root, but still have Norwegian as LANG. So YaST will try to show all in Norwegian. But, as more people already told above, apparently the Norwegian translation for YaST is not complete/up-to-date. And thus it will fall-back to English on some items.

When you run YaST as root with the correct root environment, all will be in English.
I can assure you that, because I have the same situation here. English as the system language (and no second one configured in YaST languages). And the personal sessions of all my users are in Dutch (set in KDE System Settings).

I hope this helps in getting more feeling of UnixLinux, with is a multi-user, multi-session system and that has consequences not easily understood by those that have using Microsoft Windows before (I am of course not sure that that is your background, but I see the same understanding problems with many of those).

For user ANKER this is different. He wants to see messages/menus/etc. expressed in Norwegian.

No he does NOT - I repeat NOT - to see messages/menus/etc. expressed in Norwegian. That is why he selects (us)English as primary language in Yast ( which menu is in a mix of English and Norwegian), and German and Norwegian as secondary languages. Could you please explain the significance of the premier language?

In the meantime, I will do a test to see if there is a ‘better’ English than us-English.

Switching language to uk-English did not help.

Jan Christian

Please re-read.
I say: ANKER does want to see messages in Norwegian.
Then you say: Anker does not see.

Settings in YaST are for the system (for root).

Users like ANKER set theirs in KDE System settings.


Maybe we should go back to what you want (and NOT what you see).

What do you want for user root as language?

What do you want for user ANKER for language?

Please answer those two questions, so that we can go step by step from there.

I want English for root and for user ‘ANKER’, and I don’t want a compromise with a mix of languages in the menu system and the menus. Question: How to I set the language for all openSUSE menus?


Then remove your second language Norwegian from YaST.

Then go into KDE System settings > Personal Settings > Regional settings, walk through all there and set everything to English, unsetting/removing every pointer to Norwegian.

Followed your advice. No success. English spellchecker works as always. I will take up this tread later.

Thanks for you efforts so far!
Jan Christian

There is a system locale:

**erlangen:~ #** cat /etc/locale.conf                        
**erlangen:~ #**

And there is a user locale:

**erlangen:~ #** grep LANG /home/charlemagne/.profile               
# in the variable RC_**LANG**. 
#export **LANG**=en_DE.UTF-8        # uncomment this line for German output 
#export **LANG**=fr_FR.UTF-8        # uncomment this line for French output 
#export **LANG**=es_ES.UTF-8        # uncomment this line for Spanish output 
export **LANG**=en_DE.UTF-8 
**erlangen:~ #**

Select an existing locale from below:

**erlangen:~ #** localectl list-locales |grep en 
**erlangen:~ #**

You can create your own locale:

Hurrah ! Your message is the kind of solution I was looking for. In the meantime, I have discovered another method: Utilizing the langue-selector found at the lower right corner of the login-page (with the marketing-strip). However, I prefer utilizing what you have shown me.

Thanks !!!

For a consistent behavior users should always set LANG at login (.profile). E.g. Plasma can override LANG in .config/plasma-localerc.

7 | openSUSE-20220219-0                  | openSUSE-20220219-0        | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |   99     | rpm-md | cd:/?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-MATSHITABD-CMB_UJ141AF_WM15_001452 
bash: syntaksfeil ved «Yes», som er et uforventet symbol

‘bash’ reports in Norwegian, but the language is (assumed to be):

**localhost:/ #** cat /etc/locale.conf


**localhost:/ #**

Further ‘testing’ will follow later.

What really matters:

karl@erlangen:~> echo $LANG 
karl@erlangen:~> echo $LANGUAGE 


karl@erlangen:~> LANGUAGE=en_US ls k 
ls: cannot access 'k': No such file or directory 
karl@erlangen:~> LANGUAGE=de ls k    
ls: Zugriff auf 'k' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden 
karl@erlangen:~> zypper lr -E 
#  | Alias                | Enabled   | GPG Check       | Priority  | URI 
 5 | Packman              | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |   90      | 
15 | non-oss              | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |   99      | 
17 | oss                  | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |   99      | 
24 | update               | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |   99      | 
 2 | BellSoft             | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |  100      | 
 3 | Geo                  | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |  100      | 
 7 | chrome               | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |  100      | 
11 | home_kukuk_qmapshack | Ja        | (r ) Ja         |  100      | 
12 | jalbum               | Ja        | ( p) Ja         |  100      | 
14 | myrepo               | Ja        | (  ) Nein       |  100      | dir:/home/karl/Downloads/myrepo 
karl@erlangen:~> LANGUAGE=en zypper lr -E 
#  | Alias                | Enabled | GPG Check | Priority | URI 
 5 | Packman              | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   90     | 
15 | non-oss              | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   99     | 
17 | oss                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   99     | 
24 | update               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   99     | 
 2 | BellSoft             | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |  100     | 
 3 | Geo                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |  100     | 
 7 | chrome               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |  100     | 
11 | home_kukuk_qmapshack | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |  100     | 
12 | jalbum               | Yes     | ( p) Yes  |  100     | 
14 | myrepo               | Yes     | (  ) No   |  100     | dir:/home/karl/Downloads/myrepo 