When done. Close the terminal. And open Yast > Software Management and Apply the Package Switcher on Packman.
And then there is a link to an example of the package switch. However, that’s a dead link.
Will the action in YAST be the same as an CLI:
zypper dup --from packman
When doing so, I presume a lot of packages will be changed/upgraded to packman.
In other sections I read on TW you should always use
zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change
After the multimedia-switch, do I have to use that same command for ‘general’ updates?
I don’t want to get the “these packages are not going to be upgraded” warnings…
Basicaly yes. But where you have “packman” in that command, you should have either the #, or the Alias, or the Name from your Packman repo, as found in your repolist (zypper lr -d). E.g. on my system “packman” would not work.
Yes, after the vendor switch to Packman you have to use that statement. The option is specially designed for those that have other repos like Packman. This to avoid that you will revert back to the “broken” packages.
If you will get warnings, I do not know, but simply saying that you “do not want them” is not the best way to treat warnings in general.