multimedia keys (in usb keyboard) have stopped working out of sudden

I happily live with my “Microsoft Corp. Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 V1.0” on Opensuse 15.0 + kde. All additional and multimedia keys work as it should be.
But suddently all multimedia and additional keys have stopped working.
The keyboard is recognized by kernel, showed normally in ‘lsusb’, but I even can’t see scancodes from additional keys. Standard keys working OK.
Please, point me out to where I should dig further. Thanks!

Did this happen immediately after an update? If so, was the system rebooted after the update(s)?

Tip: create a test user, logout as your normal user, login as the test user and see if the issue exist for that user.

sorry, I don’t know about “immediately after”, but there were updates before the issue. And there were several reboots after that. Such thing happend before but it always restored after reboot. It doesn’t this time.

I tried to create a user and try him as you suggest - no luck.

The keys work again. I have no clue why(