When trying to access “Multimedia” from System Settings, I get an error message as follows:
Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so:(/usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12GlobalConfig28setAudioCaptureDeviceListForENS_8CategoryE5QListiE)Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so:(/usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12GlobalConfig28setAudioCaptureDeviceListForENS_8CategoryE5QListiE)
Possible Reasons:
* An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module
* You have old third party modules lying around.
Check these points carefully and try to remove the module mentioned in the error message. If this fails, consider contacting your distributor or packager.
And then when I click OK, it closes, and that’s it.
Any idea how to prevent this, so I can access the multimedia settings and change them.
The reason I want to see the settings, is because Amarok 2.3 won’t play any songs (even though version 1.4 still works).
Thanks in advance,